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Prediction of Myometrial Invasion in Stage I Endometrial Cancer by MRI: The Influence of Surgical Diagnostic Procedure




Fertility sparing treatment can be considered for young women with clinical stage 1A endometrial cancer (EC) without myometrial invasion (MI). Surgical diagnostic procedures (SDP) were needed to make diagnosis of EC, but different extents of SDP including diagnostic hysteroscopic biopsy (DHB, group 1), operative hysteroscopic partial resection (OHPR, group 2), operative hysteroscopic complete resection (OHCR, group 3), and cervical dilatation and fractional curettage (D&C, group 4) may affect the accuracy of MI assessment by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) after SDP. Here, we retrospectively review those initially diagnosed with stage 1A EC and compare MI status on MRI reports and final histopathology of hysterectomy. We found that the MRI accuracy of MI was better in patients with EC diagnosed with D&C. Three diagnostic procedures using hysteroscopy might interfere with the diagnostic power of MI on MRI. Thus, D&C for diagnosis of EC and further hysteroscopic complete resection with hormone as a fertility sparing treatment for those confirmed as stage 1A without MI from MRI may be a choice in the future.
机译:可以考虑具有临床阶段1A子宫内膜癌(EC)的年轻女性的生育备件治疗(EC),没有肌肉侵袭(MI)。需要外科诊断程序(SDP)来进行EC,但SDP的不同范围,包括诊断宫腔镜活检(DHB,第1组),手术宫腔镜部分切除(OHPR,第2组),手术宫腔镜完全切除(OHCR,第3组) )和宫颈扩张和分数刮宫(D&C,第4组)可能影响SDP后磁共振成像(MRI)的MI评估的准确性。在这里,我们回顾性地审查最初诊断出阶段1A EC的那些,并比较MI状态的MIS状态和子宫切除术的最终组织病理学。我们发现,EC患者诊断为D&C的患者,MI的MI均更好。使用宫腔镜检查的三个诊断程序可能会干扰MI对MRI的诊断功能。因此,用于诊断EC和进一步呼吸镜的诊断与激素作为生育备件治疗的D&C,因为没有MI的阶段1a的生育备件治疗可能是未来的选择。



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