首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Antibiotics >Anti-Candida Activity of Hyaluronic Acid Combined with Lactobacillus crispatus Lyophilised Supernatant: A New Antifungal Strategy

Anti-Candida Activity of Hyaluronic Acid Combined with Lactobacillus crispatus Lyophilised Supernatant: A New Antifungal Strategy




Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) and recurrencies are common in reproductive-aged women. The emergence of Candida strains resistant to conventional antimycotic drugs prompted the search for alternative therapies. Hyaluronic acid (HA), a uniform and linear glycosaminoglycan, has been proposed as an anti-Candida agent. Vaginal lactobacilli and their derivatives, including cell free culture supernatants (CFS), represent potential strategies for the treatment of Candida infections. In the present paper, the anti-Candida potential of HA and lyophilised CFS (LCFS), obtained from the vaginal strain Lactobacillus crispatus BC5, was investigated. HA and LCFS proved to be active towards a panel of clinical Candida isolates belonging to different species in a dose dependent manner and their association maintained the antifungal activity. Notably, also Candida species generally resistant to conventional antifungals resulted sensitive. A vaginal matrix based on microcrystalline cellulose and containing effective doses of both agents was developed and characterised. This vaginal formulation showed mucoadhesive ability and almost abrogated Candida albicans growth. In conclusion, HA and LCFS from L. crispatus BC5 are thus good candidates to design a new therapeutic strategy to counteract VVC, and the proposed vaginal matrix represents a promising prototype.
机译:外阴阴道念珠菌病(VVC)和复发性在生殖年龄妇女中很常见。抗念珠菌菌株对常规抗肿瘤药物的出现促使寻找替代疗法。已经提出了透明质酸(HA),均匀和线性糖氨基氨基,作为抗念珠菌剂。阴道乳酸杆菌及其衍生物,包括无细胞培养上清液(CFS),代表了治疗念珠菌感染的潜在策略。在本文中,研究了从阴道菌株乳酸杆菌BC5获得的HA和冻干CFS(LCFS)的抗念珠菌电位。 HA和LCFS被证明是以剂量依赖方式为属于不同物种的临床念珠菌分离株的临床念珠菌分离株,它们的关联保持抗真菌活性。值得注意的是,念珠菌种类通常耐常见的抗真菌导致敏感性。开发并表征了基于微晶纤维素并含有有效剂量的两种试剂的阴道基质。这种阴道制剂显示出粘膜粘附能力和几乎废除的念珠菌堪察加生长。总之,来自L.Crispatus BC5的HA和LCFS是设计新的治疗策略来抵消VVC的良好候选者,并且所提出的阴道基质代表了有希望的原型。



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