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Influence of the Storage of Cistus ladanifer L. Bales from Mechanised Harvesting on the Essential Oil Yield and Qualitative Composition

机译:岩浆储存L. BALES储存从机械收割机的基础油产量和定性组成



Cistus ladanifer is a Mediterranean native plant from which valuable products, such as essential oil, are obtained. Manual harvesting of the plants in wild shrublands is usual during short periods of time. Their mechanised harvesting could increase the volume of harvested plants and prevent fires, further storage of the plants collected being necessary. The objective of this work is to study the influence of the storage period of mechanically harvested bales on the essential oil yield and qualitative composition. The harvesting trials were carried out with an adapted commercial harvester baler and the storage of the bales was performed indoors during 1–7 days, 15–30 days and 100–120 days. Afterwards, the bales were crushed (30 mm) and distilled in a 30 litre stainless steel still with saturated steam (0.5 bar). The essential oil components were identified by GC-MS and quantified by GC-FID. The storage of mechanically harvested Cistus ladanifer does not decrease the oil yield of steam distillation on a pilot scale. However, it leads to differences in the quantitative composition of the essential oils, decreasing the total monoterpene compounds content and increasing that of oxygenated sesquiterpenes, especially when the biomass is stored for 100–120 days, without affecting its qualitative composition.
机译:Cistus Ladanifer是一种地中海本土工厂,获得了宝贵的产品,如精油。在短时间内,野生灌木丛中的植物的手工收获。其机械化收获可以增加收获的植物的体积并防止火灾,进一步储存收集的植物是必要的。这项工作的目的是研究机械收获捆包储存期对精油产量和定性组成的影响。采用收获试验用适应的商业收割机打包机进行,在1-7天内,15-30天和100-120天内进行捆包的储存。然后,将捆包压碎(30mm)并蒸馏在30升不锈钢中,仍然具有饱和蒸汽(0.5巴)。通过GC-MS鉴定精油组分并通过GC-FID量化。机械收获的脊柱型岩浆物的储存不会降低蒸汽蒸馏的油产量。然而,它导致精油的定量组合物的差异,降低总单萜化合物含量并增加含氧倍萜的含量,特别是当生物质储存100-10天时,而不影响其定性组合物。



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