首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health >The Optimization Strategy of the Existing Urban Green Space Soil Monitoring System in Shanghai China

The Optimization Strategy of the Existing Urban Green Space Soil Monitoring System in Shanghai China




High concentrations of potentially toxic elements (PTE) create global environmental stress due to the crucial threat of their impacts on the environment and human health. Therefore, determining the concentration levels of PTE and improving their prediction accuracy by sampling optimization strategy is necessary for making sustainable environmental decisions. The concentrations of five PTEs (Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu, and Zn) were compared with reference values for Shanghai and China. The prediction of PTE in soil was undertaken using a geostatistical and spatial simulated annealing algorithm. Compared to Shanghai’s background values, the five PTE mean concentrations are much higher, except for Cd and Cr. However, all measured values exceeded the reference values for China. Pb, Cu, and Zn levels were 1.45, 1.20, and 1.56 times the background value of Shanghai, respectively, and 1.57, 1.66, 1.91 times the background values in China, respectively. The optimization approach resulted in an increased prediction accuracy (22.4% higher) for non-sampled locations compared to the initial sampling design. The higher concentration of PTE compared to background values indicates a soil pollution issue in the study area. The optimization approach allows a soil pollution map to be generated without deleting or adding additional monitoring points. This approach is also crucial for filling the sampling strategy gap.
机译:由于其对环境和人类健康的影响至关重要,高浓度的潜在有毒元素(PTE)创造了全球环境压力。因此,确定通过采样优化策略来确定PTE的浓度水平并提高它们的预测精度,以使可持续的环境决策是必要的。将五ptes(Pb,Cd,Cr,Cu和Zn)的浓度与上海和中国的参考值进行比较。利用地统计和空间模拟退火算法进行了土壤中PTE的预测。与上海的背景值相比,除CD和CR外,五个PTE平均浓度要高得多。但是,所有测量值都超过了中国的参考价值。 Pb,Cu和Zn水平分别为1.45,1.20和上海背景值的1.56倍,1.57,1.66,中国的背景值分别为1.57,1.66倍。与初始采样设计相比,优化方法增加了非采样位置的预测精度(22.4%)。与背景值相比,PTE浓度较高表示研究区域的土壤污染问题。优化方法允许在不删除或添加额外监测点的情况下产生土壤污染图。这种方法对于填补采样策略差距也至关重要。



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