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Monitoring Antibodies to Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in Sow Colostrum – a Tool to Document Freedom of Infection

机译:在母猪初乳中监测到支原体氧化物的抗体 - 一种文档感染自由的工具



In a survey in Finland in 1995, 14919 colostral whey samples from 530 farrowing herds were analysed by a monoclonal blocking-ELISA to detect antibodies to Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (M. hyopneumoniae). Antibodies were detected in 274 (1.8%) samples and in 42 herds (7.9%). The median prevalence of sows with antibodies in seropositive herds was 28.2% (range, 2.7–100%). According to clinical and pathological follow-up in finishing herds in 1996, all of the farrowing herds which were seronegative in 1995, were truly non-infected with M. hyopneumoniae. In acutely infected herds, samples collected earlier than 2 h after farrowing were 3 times more likely to contain antibodies than samples collected 2–12 h after farrowing (odds ratio, 3.0; 95% CI, 1.4–6.6). Repeated freezing or spoilage of the colostrum samples did not cause biologically relevant problems for the ELISA. Antibodies to M. hyopneumoniae were shown to persist up to 3 years in some sows. As a conclusion, colostrum samples were very sensitive samples for the screening of herds for M. hyopneumoniae infection and possibly also for a regular surveillance.
机译:在1995年在芬兰的调查中,通过单克隆阻断-ELISA分析了来自530个粉刺群的14919枚牛仔乳清样品,以检测到支原体渗透膜(M.Wiopneumoniae)的抗体。在274(1.8%)样品中检测到抗体,42只甲群(7.9%)。血液阳性牛群中雌镰刀母猪的中位患病率为28.2%(范围,2.7-100%)。根据1996年整理畜群的临床和病理跟进,1995年患有疫苗的所有哺乳牧群,真正没有感染M.蜂鸣。在急性感染的牛群中,含有比2-12h的样品(odds比率3.0; 95%Ci,1.4-6.6)中收集的样品比2-12h收集的样品更早收集的样品比2-12小时更早的样品比2-12小时更早地收集的样品3倍。重复冻结或腐败的初乳样品对ELISA没有引起生物学相关的问题。对M.肺炎的抗体显示在一些母猪中持续3年。作为结论,初乳样品是非常敏感的样品,用于筛查M.肺炎植物感染,也可能是常规监测。



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