首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research : JCDR >A Comparative Study of Microscopic Images Captured by a Box Type Digital Camera Versus a Standard Microscopic Photography Camera Unit

A Comparative Study of Microscopic Images Captured by a Box Type Digital Camera Versus a Standard Microscopic Photography Camera Unit




>Introduction: Obtaining images of slides viewed by a microscope can be invaluable for both diagnosis and teaching.They can be transferred among technologically-advanced hospitals for further consultation and evaluation. But a standard microscopic photography camera unit (MPCU)(MIPS-Microscopic Image projection System) is costly and not available in resource poor settings.The aim of our endeavour was to find a comparable and cheaper alternative method for photomicrography.>Materials and Methods: We used a NIKON Coolpix S6150 camera (box type digital camera) with Olympus CH20i microscope and a fluorescent microscope for the purpose of this study.>Results: We got comparable results for capturing images of light microscopy, but the results were not as satisfactory for fluorescent microscopy.>Conclusion: A box type digital camera is a comparable, less expensive and convenient alternative to microscopic photography camera unit.
机译:>简介:获得显微镜观察的载玻片图像对于诊断和教学都非常宝贵,可以在技术先进的医院之间转移以进行进一步的咨询和评估。但是标准的显微摄影摄像单元(MPCU)(MIPS-显微图像投影系统)价格昂贵,并且在资源匮乏的环境中不可用。我们的目标是找到一种可比较且便宜的显微照相替代方法。>材料和方法:出于研究目的,我们使用了带有Olympus CH20i显微镜和荧光显微镜的NIKON Coolpix S6150相机(盒式数码相机)。>结果:我们在捕获图像时得到了可比的结果>结论:盒式数码相机是可替代,更便宜,更方便的显微摄影相机单元的替代品。



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