首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Mitochondrial DNA. Part B Resources >Wildlife forensics in battle against veneration frauds in Uttarakhand India: identification of protected Indian monitor lizard in items available in the local market under the name of Hatha Jodi

Wildlife forensics in battle against veneration frauds in Uttarakhand India: identification of protected Indian monitor lizard in items available in the local market under the name of Hatha Jodi




Certain articles of worship are commonly sold in Uttarakhand, India by the name Hatha Jodi, a root of a rare plant found only in a few parts of central India. The present work provides genetic proof that the Hatha Jodi sold in three local markets of Uttarakhand contained material from the Varanus species, species protected under the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. A total of eight samples were bought, two each from the local markets in Haridwar and Rishikesh, three from Dehradun and one from an online source (Amazon). The initial inspection confirmed that two of the samples were made of plastic material. Therefore only the other six samples were subjected to DNA analysis. DNA sequences were successfully obtained and matched with reference sequences available in NCBI Genbank database through BLAST search tool for species identification. All the six samples matched 100% with the Indian monitor lizard. The findings indicate how commercialization and the wildlife trade are playing a role in decline of the population of the Indian monitor lizard. If strong protection measures are not taken as soon as possible, the Indian monitor lizards will go Extinct very soon. Therefore, we suggest that the Government and Wildlife enforcement agencies take serious action against the illegal articles available in the local markets of Uttarakhand under the name Hatha Jodi. Further, the government needs to take legal action against offenders in other states in which the product is available for sale.
机译:崇拜的某些条款通常在印度北阿肯德邦由名称哈达乔迪,一个罕见的植物根部只存在于印度中部的几部分出售。目前的工作提供了基因证明了哈达朱迪在三个本地市场上销售的北阿坎德邦载有巨蜥种材料,种下的印度野生动物(保护)法的保护,1972年共8个样品分别购买,每两个来自本地从在线源(亚马逊)哈里瓦和瑞诗凯诗,三名来自德拉敦和一个市场。初始检查证实,两个样品都由塑料材料制成。因此,只有其他六个样品进行DNA分析。成功获得,并通过鉴定物种BLAST搜索工具在NCBI Genbank数据库可用的参考序列相匹配的DNA序列。所有六个样品与印度巨蜥匹配的100%。研究结果表明如何商业化和野生动物贸易在印度巨蜥的人口下降发挥了作用。如果强有力的保障措施,不采取尽快,印度巨蜥很快就会灭绝。因此,我们建议政府和野生动物执法机构采取反对的名字哈达朱迪下北阿坎德邦的当地市场提供非法物品认真的行动。此外,政府需要采取针对其他国家的罪犯中,该产品是可供出售的法律行动。



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