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Edward Jenner’s 1798 report of challenge experiments demonstrating the protective effects of cowpox against smallpox

机译:Edward Jenner的1798年挑战实验报告证明了豇豆对天花的保护作用



Variolation, that is, the inoculation of smallpox material in people who have not experienced natural smallpox, appears to have been a prophylactic used for centuries in much of Asia and North Africa.1 It was introduced to England in 1721 by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, the wife of the British ambassador to Constantinople. Although variolation was believed to be safer than naturally acquired smallpox, it was not without danger. In 1722 and 1723, respectively, the English physicians John Arbuthnot (1665–1735) and James Jurin (1684–1750) used the bills of mortality in London in an attempt to compare mortality from natural smallpox with mortality due to variolation.2 In 1722, Thomas Nettleton, a physician inoculator in Halifax, reported that about one in five patients with smallpox in parts of Yorkshire and neighbouring counties had died, while there had been no deaths among the 61 people whom he had inoculated.3 Comparisons based on larger numbers in England and New England were subsequently published.4,5 These confirmed that variolation was a less risky option when the risk of contracting natural smallpox was increased, but confirmed that the former was not innocuous.1,2,6
机译:葡萄醇化,即,在没有经历天然天花的人中接种小斑材料,似乎是亚洲和北非的几个世纪以来的预防性.1它被玛丽·沃特利蒙塔格夫人在1721年被引入英格兰。英国大使向君士坦丁堡的妻子。虽然被认为比天然所获得的小型斑块更安全,但它并非没有危险。在1722年和1723年,英语医师John Arbuthnot(1665-1735)和詹姆斯·顾人员(1684-1750)使用了伦敦的死亡率,试图将死亡率与由于葡萄醇的死亡率进行比较.2在1722年,哈利法克斯的医生接种器托马斯特利翁据报道,约克郡和邻近县的五位小型患者中的五分之一,而他接种的61人则没有死亡。3基于较大数量的比较随后在英格兰和新英格兰出版.4,5这些证实,当收缩自然天花的风险增加时,葡萄醇是一种较小的风险选择,但证实前者不是无处不无处



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