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Longitudinal dataset of political issue-positions of 411 parties across 28 European countries (2009–2019) from voting advice applications EU profiler and euandi

机译:来自投票建议应用欧盟Profiler和Euandi的411个欧洲国家(2009-2019)的政治问题 - 411缔约方的纵向数据集



This data article provides a descriptive overview of the “EU Profiler/euandi trend file (2009–2019)“ dataset and the data collection methods. The dataset compiles party position data from three consecutive pan-European Voting Advice Applications (VAAs), developed by the European University Institute for the European Parliament elections in 2009, 2014 and 2019. It includes the positions of 411 parties from 28 European countries on a wide range of salient political issues. Altogether, the dataset contains more than 20 000 unique party positions. To place the parties on the political issues, all three editions of the VAA have used the same iterative method that combines party self-placement and expert judgement. The data collection has been a collective effort of several hundreds of highly trained social scientists, involving experts from each EU member state. The political statements that the parties were placed on, were identical across all the countries and 15 of the statements remained the same throughout all three waves (2009, 2014, 2019) of data collection. Because of the unique methodology and the large volume of data, the dataset offers a significant contribution to the research on European party systems and on party positioning methodologies.
机译:此数据文章提供了“欧盟Profiler / Euandi趋势文件(2009-2019)”数据集和数据收集方法的描述性概述。 DataSet编译了由欧洲大学议会选举研究所开发的三个连续泛欧投票建议申请(VAAS)的派对位置数据,于2009年,2014年和2019年。它包括来自28个欧洲国家的411个缔约方的职位广泛的突出政治问题。总的来说,数据集包含超过20 000个独特的派对位置。要将各方放置在政治问题上,所有三个版本的VAA都使用了相同的迭代方法,将一方自我展示和专家判断结合在一起。数据收集一直是数百名高度训练有素的社会科学家的集体努力,涉及来自每个欧盟成员国的专家。缔约方被置于缔约方的政治声明,在所有国家的所有国家和15个陈述中都有相同的陈述(2009年,2014,2019)的数据收集仍然存在。由于唯一的方法和大量数据量,数据集对欧洲党系统和党定位方法的研究提供了重大贡献。



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