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The Investigation of Flory–Huggins Interaction Parameters for Amorphous Solid Dispersion Across the Entire Temperature and Composition Range




Amorphous solid dispersion (ASD) is one of the most promising enabling formulations featuring significant water solubility and bioavailability enhancements for biopharmaceutical classification system (BCS) class II and IV drugs. An accurate thermodynamic understanding of the ASD should be established for the ease of development of stable formulation with desired product performances. In this study, we report a first experimental approach combined with classic Flory–Huggins (F–H) modelling to understand the performances of ASD across the entire temperature and drug composition range. At low temperature and drug loading, water (moisture) was induced into the system to increase the mobility and accelerate the amorphous drug-amorphous polymer phase separation (AAPS). The binodal line indicating the boundary between one phase and AAPS of felodipine, PVPK15 and water ternary system was successfully measured, and the corresponding F–H interaction parameters (χ) for FD-PVPK15 binary system were derived. By combining dissolution/melting depression with AAPS approach, the relationship between temperature and drug loading with χ (Φ, T) for FD-PVPK15 system was modelled across the entire range as χ = 1.72 − 852/T + 5.17·Φ − 7.85·Φ2. This empirical equation can provide better understanding and prediction for the miscibility and stability of drug-polymer ASD at all conditions.
机译:非晶态固体分散体(ASD)是最有前途的促成制剂之一,具有显着的水溶性和生物利用度提高的特点,可用于生物制药分类系统(BCS)II和IV类药物。应该建立对ASD的准确热力学理解,以简化具有所需产品性能的稳定配方的开发。在这项研究中,我们报告了第一个实验方法,结合经典的Flory-Huggins(F-H)模型,以了解ASD在整个温度和药物成分范围内的性能。在低温和载药量下,水(水分)被引入系统中以增加迁移率并加速无定形药物与无定形聚合物的相分离(AAPS)。成功测量了指示非洛地平,PVPK15和水三元体系的APS和APS界线的二线曲线,并推导了FD-PVPK15二元体系的相应F–H相互作用参数(χ)。通过将溶解/熔化抑制与AAPS方法相结合,在整个范围内对FD-PVPK15系统的温度和载药量与χ(Φ,T)的关系进行建模,其中χ= 1.72-852 / T + 5.17·Φ-7.85· Φ 2 。该经验方程式可以更好地理解和预测药物-聚合物ASD在所有条件下的混溶性和稳定性。



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