首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>World Journal of Surgical Oncology >A clinical study on bone defect reconstruction and functional recovery in benign bone tumors of the lower extremity treated by bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell rapid screening–enrichment–composite system

A clinical study on bone defect reconstruction and functional recovery in benign bone tumors of the lower extremity treated by bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell rapid screening–enrichment–composite system

机译:骨缺损重建与下肢良性骨肿瘤功能恢复的临床研究骨髓间充质干细胞快速筛选 - 复合系统治疗



The number of nucleated cells (NC), cell viability, and osteogenic ability before and after enrichment of bone marrow blood (n = 11). a The number of NC after enrichment was statistically lower than that in the original bone marrow blood (P < 0.01). b There was no difference in cell viability before and after enrichment (P > 0.05). c No significant changes in the osteogenic abilities were observed before and after enrichment. d There was no significant difference in osteogenic abilities before and after enrichment (P > 0.05)



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