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A Security Concept Based on Scaler Distribution of a Novel Intrusion Detection Device for Wireless Sensor Networks in a Smart Environment




Following the significant improvement of technology in terms of data collection and treatment during the last decades, the notion of a smart environment has widely taken an important pedestal in the science industry. Built in order to better manage assets, smart environments provide a livable environment for users or citizens through the deployment of sensors responsible for data collection. Much research has been done to provide security to the involved data, which are extremely sensitive. However, due to the small size and the memory constraint of the sensors, many of these works are difficult to implement. In this paper, a different concept for wireless sensor security in smart environments is presented. The proposed security system, which is based on the scaler distribution of a novel electronic device, the intrusion detection system (IDS), reduces the computational functions of the sensors and therefore maximizes their efficiency. The IDS also introduces the concept of the feedback signal and “trust table” used to trigger the detection and isolation mechanism in case of attacks. Generally, it ensures the whole network security through cooperation with other IDSs and, therefore, eliminates the problem of security holes that may occur while adopting such a security technique.
机译:在过去几十年中的数据收集和治疗方面重大改善技术,智能环境的概念在科学行业中广泛占据了重要的基座。建造以更好地管理资产,智能环境通过部署负责数据收集的传感器为用户或公民提供可居住的环境。已经完成了许多研究以向所涉及的数据提供安全性,这非常敏感。然而,由于传感器的尺寸小和内存限制,许多这些作品难以实现。本文介绍了智能环境中无线传感器安全性的不同概念。所提出的安全系统基于新型电子设备的缩放器分布,入侵检测系统(IDS)降低了传感器的计算功能,因此最大化了它们的效率。 IDS还介绍了反馈信号的概念和用于触发攻击情况下的检测和隔离机制的“信任表”的概念。通常,它通过与其他IDS的合作确保整个网络安全,因此消除了在采用这种安全技术的同时可能发生的安全漏洞的问题。



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