
On COVID-19 cognitive bias and open access




Starting out the year 2021 by looking back at the year 2020 might seem like an exercise in masochism, given the horrific loss of life, the untold economic hardships, the resurgence of white supremacy across the country, and the rampant (and at times utterly incomprehensible) political chaos packed into those 12 months. There were, however, many redeeming aspects of the year, not least of which was a panoply of breathtaking scientific achievements. The development of not just one but several remarkably effective vaccines against COVID-19, a hitherto completely unknown virus, in less than 12 months was unprecedented (and was among the reasons Oxford Languages chose “unprecedented” as one of its choices for “word of the year,” https://languages.oup.com/word-of-the-year/). But even beyond assembling, with astonishing rapidity, the body of knowledge required for successful vaccine development, the scientific community across a broad span of disciplines continued to discover and innovate with inspiring resilience. Like so many other journals, PNAS experienced a surge in manuscript submissions—an increase of about 20% for the year, in fact, resulting in the publication of more than 3,600 research articles this year, compared with ∼3,250 last year.
机译:从2021年开始,在2020年期间回顾可能似乎是男子超人的锻炼,因为恐怖的生命丧失,无尽的经济困难,全国白人至高无上的白人至高无上的复苏(有时完全不可理解)政治混乱包装在12个月。然而,今年的许多救赎方面,尤其是令人兴奋的科学成就是一种艰难的。不仅仅是一个对Covid-19的几个显着有效疫苗的发展,迄今为止迄今为止,在不到12个月的情况下,不到12个月是前所未有的(并且是牛津语言选择“前所未有的”作为其选择“年份,“https://languages.oup.com/word-of-the-year/)。但即使除了组装,令人惊讶的速度,成功疫苗发展所需的知识机构,科学界跨越广泛的学科继续发现和创新,激励着振兴。与其他许多其他期刊一样,PNA在稿件提交的情况上遭受了激增 - 这一年度的增加约20%,实际上导致今年出版了超过3,600个研究文章,而去年〜3,250比较。



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