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Online keyword searching in three countries and languages reflects different perceptions and behaviors in response to the name of the novel coronavirus disease




In this viewpoint, we used three online search engines in three different languages: Google used in the United States and Japan, and Baidu used predominantly in China to investigate the perceptions and behaviors in response to the name of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in different countries and cultures. All engines offer statistical data on the trends of online searches: Google Trends in English and Japanese, and Baidu Index in Chinese. We found that the medical term “COVID-19” is not commonly used as a search keyword in any of the three countries we examined. There is a clear disconnect between “COVID-19” with either “pneumonia” (the severity of the disease and the effect on the respiratory system) or “mask” (the tool to defend against the pandemic). “Coronavirus” is the most used keyword in the US and is associated with “stock” rather than “mask”. “Coronavirus” is the most used keyword in Japan and is associated with “mask” rather than “stock”. “Pneumonia” is used China and is associated with “mask” rather than “stock”. Such differences reflect different perceptions of the disease and could potentially contribute to the different dynamics of public behavior influencing viral spread and containment.
机译:在此观点介绍,我们使用三种不同语言的在线搜索引擎:谷歌在美国和日本使用,百度主要在中国使用,探讨了对新型冠状病毒疾病的名称的看法和行为(Covid-19 )在不同的国家和文化中。所有引擎都提供有关在线搜索趋势的统计数据:英语和日语的Google趋势,百度指数中文。我们发现医学术语“Covid-19”在我们检查的三个国家中的任何一个中都不常用为搜索关键字。 “Covid-19”与“肺炎”(肺炎的严重程度和对呼吸系统的影响)或“面具”(用于防御大流行的工具)之间有明显的断开连接。 “coronavirus”是美国最常用的关键字,与“库存”而不是“面具”相关联。 “coronavirus”是日本最常用的关键字,与“面具”而不是“股票”相关联。 “肺炎”是用中国的,与“面具”而不是“股票”有关。这种差异反映了对疾病的不同看法,可能有助于影响病毒蔓延和遏制的公共行积的不同动态。



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