首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Evolutionary Applications >Adaptation to drought is coupled with slow growth but independent from phenology in marginal silver fir (

Adaptation to drought is coupled with slow growth but independent from phenology in marginal silver fir (




Drought is one of the most important selection pressures for forest trees in the context of climate change. Yet, the different evolutionary mechanisms, and their environmental drivers, by which certain populations become more drought tolerant than others is still little understood. We studied adaptation to drought in 16 silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) populations from the French Mediterranean Alps by combining observations on seedlings from a greenhouse experiment (N = 8,199) and on adult tress in situ (N = 315). In the greenhouse, we followed half‐sib families for four growing seasons for growth and phenology traits, and tested their water stress response in a "drought until death" experiment. Adult trees in the field were assessed for δ13C, a proxy for water use efficiency, and genotyped at 357 SNP loci. SNP data was used to generate a null expectation for seedling trait divergence between populations in order to detect the signature of selection, and 31 environmental variables were used to identify the selective environment. We found that seedlings originating from populations with low soil water capacity grew more slowly, attained a smaller stature, and resisted water stress for a longer period of time in the greenhouse. Additionally, adult trees of these populations exhibited a higher water use efficiency as evidenced by their δ13C. These results suggest a correlated evolution of the growth‐drought tolerance trait complex. Population divergence in bud break phenology was adaptive only in the second growing season, and evolved independently from the growth‐drought tolerance trait complex. Adaptive divergence in bud break phenology was principally driven by the inter‐ and intra‐annual variation in temperature at the geographic origin of the population. Our results illustrate the different evolutionary strategies used by populations to cope with drought stress at the range limits across a highly heterogeneous landscape, and can be used to inform assisted migration programs.
机译:干旱是气候变化背景下森林树木最重要的选择压力之一。然而,不同的进化机制及其环境司机,其中某些种群变得比其他人更耐受耐受的人仍然很少被理解。我们通过将来自温室​​实验(n = 8,199)的幼苗(N = 8,199)和成人绳索的观察结合起来,研究了法国地中海阿尔卑斯州的16个银FIR(Abies Alba Mill)的适应。在温室里,我们遵循半SIB家族用于生长和候选的四季,并在“干旱直至死亡”实验中测试了他们的水分应激反应。对该领域的成年树进行评估δ13C,用于水的代理,用于357个SNP基因座的基因分型。 SNP数据用于在群体之间产生幼苗特质的幼苗性状分歧,以便检测选择的签名,并且31个环境变量用于识别选择性环境。我们发现,源自土壤水产能量低的群体的幼苗越来越慢,达到了较小的地形,在温室中抵抗了较长的时间。此外,这些种群的成年树木呈现出较高的水使用效率,如δ所证明13C。这些结果表明生长干旱耐受性具有相关性的相关演变。芽脱离婴儿的人口分歧仅在第二个生长季节中自适应,并且独立于生长耐受性特质复杂而进化。芽中吩的适应性分歧主要是由人口地理来源的温度间和年内变化的间隙和内部变化。我们的结果说明了群体使用的不同进化策略,以应对跨越高异构景观的范围限制的干旱胁迫,可用于通知辅助迁移计划。



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