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CBCT Radiological Features as Predictors of Nerve Injuries in Third Molar Extractions: Multicenter Prospective Study on a Northeastern Italian Population




Background: Neurological alterations are one of the main complications occurring after the third molar extractions. The aim of this prospective multicenter cohort study was to find out Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) features and distribution of neurological complications in patients undergoing lower third molar surgery and to determine the radiological and patient-related factors that could be correlated to the occurrence of inferior alveolar and lingual nerves injury. Material and Methods: 378 patients who underwent lower third molar extraction from March 2018 to March 2019 were included. Clinical and radiological data were collected. CBCT features were recorded following Maglione et al. classification. Symptoms and characteristics of patients who experienced neurological alterations were evaluated. Results: 193 patients needed a second-level radiological exam (CBCT). In these patients, the most common feature was Maglione class 3: a higher frequency of apical or buccal mandibular canals in direct contact with the tooth was observed. 3.17% of the patients developed a neurological complication. Maglione class 4, increased age, and operative time were all positively correlated with neurological alterations. Conclusions: while the buccal or apical position of the mandibular canal was the more common findings, the lingual position was found to have a higher correlation with a negative outcome. Age and operative time were also found to be risk factors for developing nerve injury in the considered population.
机译:背景:神经系统改变是第三摩尔萃取后发生的主要并发症之一。这项前瞻性多中心队列研究的目的是发现锥梁计算断层扫描(CBCT)特征和神经系统并发症的分布,患者接受较低的第三摩尔手术,并确定可能与发生的放射学和患者相关因素较差的肺泡和舌神经损伤。包括材料和方法:378名从2018年3月到2019年3月开始的第三摩尔提取的378名患者。收集了临床和放射学数据。 Maglione等人录制CBCT功能。分类。评估了经历神经改变的患者的症状和特征。结果:193名患者需要第二级放射检查(CBCT)。在这些患者中,最常见的特征是Maglione第3类:观察到与牙齿直接接触的顶端或颊颌骨运河的较高频率。 3.17%的患者开发了神经功能并发症。 Maglione级别4,年龄增加,并且手术时间都与神经改变呈正相关。结论:虽然下颌管的口腔或顶端位置是更常见的发现,但发现舌头位置与负面结果具有更高的相关性。还发现年龄和手术时间是在被审议的人群中发育神经损伤的危险因素。



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