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The role of intellectual property rights on access to medicines in the WHO African region: 25 years after the TRIPS agreement




Most recent are assembly decisions WHA 71(8) of 2018 on ‘Addressing the global shortage of, and access to, medicines and vaccines’, which requested the DG to “elaborate a roadmap report, in consultation with Member States, outlining the programming of WHO’s work on access to medicines and vaccines including activities, actions and deliverables for the period 2019 – 2023; and WHA71(9) of 2018 on the ‘Global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property (GSPOA-PHI): overall programme review’, which requested the DG to “implement the recommendations addressed to the Secretariat … in an implementation plan, consistent with the global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property”. Additionally, in 2019 resolution WHA72.8 on ‘Improving the transparency of markets for medicines, vaccines, and other health products’, requested the DG to “continue supporting existing efforts to determine patent status of health products and promote publicly available user-friendly patent status information databases for public health actors, in line with the GSPOA-PHI and to work with other relevant international organizations and stakeholders to improve international cooperation, avoid duplication of work, and promote relevant initiatives”.
机译:最近的是2018年第71(8)岁的装配决策“解决了与成员国磋商”要求DG向“详细说明路线图报告的全球缺乏,以及拟订路线图报告的全球短缺,概述了世卫组织努力进入药品和疫苗,包括2019年至2023年期间的活动,行动和可交付物; 2018年WHA71(9)关于“公共卫生,创新和知识产权的全球战略和行动计划(GSPOA-PHI):总体方案审查”,该计划审查“,要求DG”实施秘书处的建议......一项实施计划,符合全球战略和公共卫生,创新和知识产权的行动计划。此外,2019年,WHA72.8关于“提高药品,疫苗和其他保健品市场的透明度”,要求DG为“继续支持现有努力确定卫生产品的专利地位,并促进公开提供的用户友好专利公共卫生行动者的现状信息数据库,符合GSPOA-PHI,与其他相关的国际组织和利益相关者合作,以改善国际合作,避免重复工作,促进相关举措“。



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