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Successful Culotte Stenting for Unprotected Left Main Trifurcation Disease: Insights from Optical Coherence Tomography




A 41-year-old man presenting with new-onset effort angina was referred to our clinic. Angiography revealed a left main trifurcation lesion including significant stenosis in the unprotected left main coronary artery (ULMCA), ostial left anterior descending artery (LAD), ostial left circumflex artery (LCX) with grade 3 collateral flow from the right coronary artery, and diffuse ramus intermedius artery (RI) ( ). After an 8-French extra backup guiding catheter with a side hole was engaged into the left coronary artery via the right femoral approach, plain old balloon angioplasty (POBA) was performed from the ULMCA to LAD, LCX, and RI, respectively. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) demonstrated successful POBA for ostial LCX; thus, percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) was planned with the 2-stent culotte technique from the ULMCA to the LAD and RI, rather than the crush technique, because 3 strut layers should be avoided on the ostial LCX ( ). A 3.0×38 mm everolimus-eluting stent (EES; Xience Sierra , Abbott Vascular) was implanted from the ULMCA to the RI. Subsequently, a 3.5×18 mm EES implantation from the ULMCA to the LAD was achieved with the culotte technique. After stent optimization with kissing balloon inflation and the proximal optimization technique, the final angiography showed no residual stenosis ( and ), and post-stenting OCT demonstrated a minimized neo-carina between the ostial LAD and RI ( ) and two strut layers from the distal left main trunk to the shaft including the ostial LCX ( ).
机译:一个41岁的男子介绍了新的职业努力,心绞痛被提到了我们的诊所。血管造影揭示了左主曲调病变,包括未受保护左主冠状动脉(ULMCA),封面左前期下降动脉(LCX),左侧左侧下降动脉(LCX),具有3级副冠状动脉,偏差的左侧左侧下降动脉(LCX)和弥漫性RAMUS中间体动脉(RI)()。通过右侧孔的8份额外的额外备用导管通过正确的股骨方法从左冠状动脉接合到左冠状动脉,分别从ULMCA到LAD,LCX和RI进行平原旧球囊血管成形术(POBA)。光学相干断层扫描(OCT)展示了易溶质LCX的成功波巴;因此,从ULMCA向LAD和R 1中的2支架截匙技术计划经皮冠状动脉介入技术(PCI),而不是挤压技术,因为在骨质LCX()上应避免3个支柱层。从Ulmca植入RI,将3.0×38毫米的everolimus洗脱支架(ees; ees; xeient sierra,腹部血管)植入ri。随后,用截面技术实现了从ULMCA到LAD的3.5×18mm的EES。在用接吻球囊通胀和近端优化技术的支架优化之后,最终血管造影显示出没有残留的狭窄(和),并且止损OCT在骨质小伙子和Ri()之间最小化的新凸起,以及来自远端的两个支柱层将主干留到包括ostial lcx()的轴。



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