首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Pathogens >Comparison of Potato and Asian Citrus Psyllid Adult and Nymph Transcriptomes Identified Vector Transcripts with Potential Involvement in Circulative Propagative Liberibacter Transmission

Comparison of Potato and Asian Citrus Psyllid Adult and Nymph Transcriptomes Identified Vector Transcripts with Potential Involvement in Circulative Propagative Liberibacter Transmission




The potato psyllid (PoP) Bactericera cockerelli (Sulc) and Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) Diaphorina citri Kuwayama are the insect vectors of the fastidious plant pathogen, Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum (CLso) and Ca. L. asiaticus (CLas), respectively. CLso causes Zebra chip disease of potato and vein-greening in solanaceous species, whereas, CLas causes citrus greening disease. The reliance on insecticides for vector management to reduce pathogen transmission has increased interest in alternative approaches, including RNA interference to abate expression of genes essential for psyllid-mediated Ca. Liberibacter transmission. To identify genes with significantly altered expression at different life stages and conditions of CLso/CLas infection, cDNA libraries were constructed for CLso-infected and -uninfected PoP adults and nymphal instars. Illumina sequencing produced 199,081,451 reads that were assembled into 82,224 unique transcripts. PoP and the analogous transcripts from ACP adult and nymphs reported elsewhere were annotated, organized into functional gene groups using the Gene Ontology classification system, and analyzed for differential in silico expression. Expression profiles revealed vector life stage differences and differential gene expression associated with Liberibacter infection of the psyllid host, including invasion, immune system modulation, nutrition, and development.
机译:马铃薯木虱(PoP)的小白菜(Sulc)和亚洲柑橘木虱(ACP)的柠檬黄(Diaphorina citri Kuwayama)是挑剔的植物病原体,念珠菌(Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum)和钙的昆虫媒介。分别为L. asiaticus(CLas)。 CLso引起马铃薯斑马片病和茄科物种的脉脉绿化,而CLas引起柑桔绿化病。对杀虫剂进行载体管理以减少病原体传播的依赖性已引起人们对替代方法的关注,这些替代方法包括RNA干扰以降低木虱诱导的Ca必需基因的表达。解放细菌的传播。为了鉴定在CLso / CLas感染的不同生命阶段和条件下表达显着改变的基因,构建了针对CLso感染和未感染的PoP成虫和若虫幼虫的cDNA文库。 Illumina测序产生了199,081,451个读段,这些读段被组装成82,224个独特的转录本。注释PoP和ACP成虫和若虫在其他地方报道的类似转录本,并使用Gene Ontology分类系统将其组织成功能基因组,并分析差异的计算机表达。表达谱显示载体生命阶段的差异和与木虱宿主的利比里亚细菌感染相关的差异基因表达,包括入侵,免疫系统调节,营养和发育。



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