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Submillisecond unmasked subliminal visual stimuli evoke electrical brain responses




Subliminal perception is strongly associated to the processing of meaningful or emotional information and has mostly been studied using visual masking. In this study, we used high density 256‐channel EEG coupled with an liquid crystal display (LCD) tachistoscope to characterize the spatio‐temporal dynamics of the brain response to visual checkerboard stimuli (Experiment 1) or blank stimuli (Experiment 2) presented without a mask for 1 ms (visible), 500 µs (partially visible), and 250 µs (subliminal) by applying time‐wise, assumption‐free nonparametric randomization statistics on the strength and on the topography of high‐density scalp‐recorded electric field. Stimulus visibility was assessed in a third separate behavioral experiment. Results revealed that unmasked checkerboards presented subliminally for 250 µs evoked weak but detectable visual evoked potential (VEP) responses. When the checkerboards were replaced by blank stimuli, there was no evidence for the presence of an evoked response anymore. Furthermore, the checkerboard VEPs were modulated topographically between 243 and 296 ms post‐stimulus onset as a function of stimulus duration, indicative of the engagement of distinct configuration of active brain networks. A distributed electrical source analysis localized this modulation within the right superior parietal lobule near the precuneus. These results show the presence of a brain response to submillisecond unmasked subliminal visual stimuli independently of their emotional saliency or meaningfulness and opens an avenue for new investigations of subliminal stimulation without using visual masking. . ©
机译:阈下知觉与有意义或情感信息的处理紧密相关,并且大部分已使用视觉掩膜进行了研究。在这项研究中,我们使用了高密度256通道EEG和液晶显示(LCD)转速计来表征大脑对视觉棋盘刺激(实验1)或空白刺激(实验2)的时空响应。通过对高密度头皮记录的电场的强度和形貌应用基于时间的无假设非参数化随机统计,可以屏蔽1 ms(可见),500 µs(部分可见)和250 µs(阈下)的掩模。在第三个单独的行为实验中评估了刺激的可见性。结果显示,潜伏状态为250 µs的潜伏棋盘格引起了微弱但可检测到的视觉诱发电位(VEP)响应。当棋盘格被空白刺激物代替时,就没有证据表明存在诱发反应。此外,棋盘VEP在刺激发生后的243到296 ms之间在地形上作为刺激持续时间的函数进行了调制,这表明活跃的大脑网络具有独特的构型。分布式电源分析将这种调制定位在前突附近的右上顶小叶内。这些结果表明,大脑对亚毫秒级潜伏期潜伏期视觉刺激的反应独立于他们的情绪显着性或有意义度,并且为不使用视觉掩蔽的潜意识下潜伏期的新研究开辟了道路。 。 ©



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