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Occurrence and Characterization of Salmonella Isolated from Table Egg Layer Farming Environments in Western Australia and Insights into Biosecurity and Egg Handling Practices




The aim of this study was to investigate the occurrence and distribution of in commercial layer farming environments of 26 flocks belonging to seven egg businesses (free-range and barn-laid) in Western Australia (WA). Between November 2017 and June 2018, a total of 265 environmental samples of dust, feed, water, pooled feces, and boot swabs were tested for detection of according to standard culture-based methods. Isolates were assayed for serovar and subtyped by multilocus sequence typing (MLST). spp. were recovered from 35% (93/265) of all tested samples. Dust (53.8%, 28/52) and pooled fecal (54.5%, 18/33) samples provided the highest recovery rates. Nine different serovars were characterized across the positive ( = 93) environmental samples, of which Typhimurium (60/93, 64.5%) and Infantis (21/93, 22.5%) were the most prevalent. MLST revealed that all . Typhimurium isolates were of sequence type ST-19. Microbiological screening of was not routinely practiced in any of the surveyed egg businesses. Some of the egg businesses exhibited variable levels of compliance with basic biosecurity measures as well as high-risk egg handling practices. Egg businesses in WA should be encouraged to adopt a voluntary program of environmental sampling and verification testing for . Such voluntary programs will aid in supporting solutions for the management of this pathogen in the human food chain.
机译:这项研究的目的是调查西澳大利亚州(WA)属于7个蛋类企业(自由放养和谷仓产蛋)的26个鸡群在商业蛋鸡养殖场中的发生和分布。在2017年11月至2018年6月之间,根据标准的基于培养的方法,共对265个环境样品进行了检测,以检测粉尘,饲料,水,合并的粪便和靴子拭子。分析分离物的血清型,并通过多基因座序列分型(MLST)将其亚型化。 spp。从所有测试样品中的35%(93/265)中回收。灰尘(53.8%,28/52)和粪便集中(54.5%,18/33)样品的回收率最高。在阳性(= 93)环境样品中鉴定出九种不同的血清型,其中鼠伤寒(60 / 93,64.5%)和Infantis(21 / 93,22.5%)是最普遍的。 MLST透露了全部。鼠伤寒分离株的序列类型为ST-19。在任何接受调查的蛋类企业中,都没有常规进行微生物筛选。一些蛋品企业对基本生物安全措施以及高风险蛋品处理实践的依从程度有所不同。应鼓励西澳州的鸡蛋企业通过自愿的环境抽样和验证试验计划。此类自愿计划将有助于支持解决人类食物链中这种病原体的解决方案。



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