首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Clinical Microbiology >Novel Taxa Associated with Human Fungal Black-Grain Mycetomas: Emarellia grisea gen. nov. sp. nov. and Emarellia paragrisea sp. nov.

Novel Taxa Associated with Human Fungal Black-Grain Mycetomas: Emarellia grisea gen. nov. sp. nov. and Emarellia paragrisea sp. nov.

机译:与人类真菌黑粮菌瘤相关的新型分类群:紫线虫(Emarellia grisea)gen。十一月sp。十一月和Emarellia paragrisea sp。十一月



Eumycetoma is a debilitating, chronic, fungal infection that is endemic in India, Indonesia, and parts of Africa and South and Central America. It remains a neglected tropical disease in need of international recognition. Infections follow traumatic implantation of saprophytic fungi and frequently require radical surgery or amputation in the absence of appropriate treatment. Several fungal species can cause black-grain mycetomas, including Madurella spp. (Sordariales), Falciformispora spp., Trematosphaeria grisea, Biatriospora mackinnonii, Pseudochaetosphaeronema larense, and Medicopsis romeroi (all Pleosporales). We performed phylogenetic analyses based on five loci on 31 isolates from two international culture collections to establish the taxonomic affiliations of fungi that had been isolated from cases of black-grain mycetoma and historically classified as Madurella grisea. Although most strains were well resolved to species level and corresponded to known agents of eumycetoma, six independent isolates, which failed to produce conidia under any conditions tested, were only distantly related to existing members of the Pleosporales. Five of the six isolates shared >99% identity with each other and are described as Emarellia grisea gen. nov. and sp. nov; the sixth isolate represents a sister species in this novel genus and is described as Emarellia paragrisea. Several E. grisea isolates were present in both United Kingdom and French culture collections and had been isolated independently over 6 decades from cases of imported eumycetoma. Four of the six isolates involved patients that had originated on the Indian subcontinent. All isolates were all susceptible in vitro to the azole antifungals, but had elevated MICs with caspofungin.
机译:杜仲真菌是一种令人衰弱的,慢性真菌感染,在印度,印度尼西亚,非洲的部分地区以及南美洲和中美洲流行。它仍然是需要国际认可的被忽视的热带病。感染是腐生真菌的创伤性植入,在缺乏适当治疗的情况下,经常需要进行根治性手术或截肢。几种真菌种类可引起黑粒菌病,包括马杜氏菌。 (Sordariales),Falciformispora spp。,稻瘟病菌,Biatriospora mackinnonii,Pseudochaetosphaeronema larense和Medicopsis romeroi(所有Pleosporales)。我们基于来自两个国际文化收藏集的31个分离株的五个基因座进行了系统发育分析,以建立真菌分类学隶属关系,该真菌已从黑粒真菌病病例中分离出来,历史上被归类为稻瘟病。尽管大多数菌株在物种水平上都得到了很好的分辨,并且对应于已知的杜仲真菌病原体,但是在任何测试条件下均未能产生分生孢子的六个独立分离株与远古菌的亲缘关系很远。六个分离物中的五个彼此之间具有> 99%的同一性,并被描述为Emarellia grisea gen。十一月和sp。十一月第六个分离株代表了这个新属中的一个姊妹物种,被描述为Emarellia paragrisea。在英国和法国的文化馆藏中都存在几种稻瘟病菌分离株,这些分离株在过去的6年中是从进口的杜仲肠杆菌中独立分离出来的。六个分离株中有四个涉及起源于印度次大陆的患者。所有分离株在体外均对唑类抗真菌药敏感,但卡泊芬净的MIC升高。



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