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Effects of a Novel Adsorbent on Membrane Fouling by Natural Organic Matter in Drinking Water Treatment




Irreversible fouling of water filtration membranes reduces filter longevity and results in higher costs associated with membrane maintenance and premature replacement. The search for effective pretreatment methods to remove foulants that tend to irreversibly foul membranes is ongoing. In this study, a novel adsorbent (Heated Aluminum Oxide Particles (HAOPs)) was deployed in a fully automated pilot system to remove natural organic matter (NOM) from the surface water source used at the UniVann water treatment plant (WTP) in Ullensaker County, Norway. The pilot plant treatment process consists of passing the water through a thin layer of HAOPs that has been deposited on a mesh support. The HAOPs layer acts as an active packed bed which removes NOM from the water. Fluxes around 120 L/m /h (LMH) at transmembrane pressure (TMP) below 10.7 psi (0.7 bar) were achieved over production cycles excessing 12 h. Treatment achieved always >85% colour removal and effluent colour <5 mg Pt/L (the target of treatment), and always <0.01 NTU turbidity and non-detectable suspended solids in the permeate. The HAOPs mixture after saturated with NOM is easy to remove by disruption of the HAOPs by rinsing the mesh surface, and the sludge is easily dewatered to higher of dry solids content.
机译:水过滤膜的不可逆结垢会降低过滤器的使用寿命,并导致与膜维护和过早更换相关的更高成本。寻找有效的预处理方法以去除倾向于不可逆地弄脏膜的污垢的工作正在进行中。在这项研究中,一种新型吸附剂(加热的氧化铝颗粒(HAOPs))被部署在全自动的试验系统中,以从Ullensaker县UniVann水处理厂(WTP)使用的地表水源中去除天然有机物(NOM)。 , 挪威。中试工厂的处理过程包括使水通过一层薄薄的HAOP,该薄层已经沉积在网状支撑物上。 HAOPs层用作活性填充床,可从水中去除NOM。在超过12小时的生产周期内,跨膜压力(TMP)低于10.7 psi(0.7 bar)时,通量达到120 L / m / h(LMH)。处理的脱色率始终> 85%,出水色泽<5 mg Pt / L(处理目标),并且渗透率始终<0.01 NTU浊度和不可检测的悬浮固体。用NOM饱和后的HAOPs混合物很容易通过冲洗网状表面而破坏HAOPs,从而去除,污泥很容易脱水至较高的干固含量。



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