首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Materials >Fundamental Properties and Thermal Transferability of Masonry Built by Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Self-Insulation Blocks

Fundamental Properties and Thermal Transferability of Masonry Built by Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Self-Insulation Blocks




This paper performed a detailed study on the fundamental properties and thermal conductivity of autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) self-insulation block, and the mechanical properties and heat transfer resistance of the AAC self-insulation block masonry. Different kinds of joints and the plastering surface were used to build the masonry specimens. The distinctive feature of the blocks and mortars is the lower thermal conductivity with expected strength. Compared to those with larger thickness of insulation mortar joints, the masonry with thin-layer mortar joints had better compressive performance and lower shear strength. The compressive strength of masonry was related with the block and mortar strengths, the shear strength of masonry along mortar joints was related with the mortar strength. The stress–strain relationship of masonry in compression could be predicted by the similar expression of conventional block masonry. The tested heat transfer coefficient of AAC self-insulation block masonry with thickness of 250 mm without plastering surfaces was (0.558 ± 0.003) W/(m ·K). With the plastering surfaces, the heat transfer coefficient reduced by 4.4% to 8.9%. Good agreements in values of heat transfer coefficient existed by using the test, theoretical computation and ANSYS (ANSYS Inc. Canonsburg, PA, USA) analytical methods. Based on the extensibility analyses, the heat transfer coefficients of AAC self-insultation block masonry with different thickness are proposed. The best thickness is proposed for the outer walls of residential buildings in different cold zone to meet the design requirement of energy conservation.
机译:本文对高温高压加气混凝土(AAC)自保温砌块的基本性能和导热性以及AAC自绝缘砌块的力学性能和传热阻力进行了详细研究。使用不同类型的接缝和抹灰表面来建造砖石标本。砌块和砂浆的显着特征是较低的导热率和预期的强度。与保温砂浆接缝较厚的情况相比,薄层砂浆接缝具有较好的抗压性能和较低的抗剪强度。砌体的抗压强度与砌块和砂浆的强度有关,砌体沿砂浆的抗剪强度与砂浆的强度有关。砌体受压时的应力-应变关系可以通过传统砌块砌体的相似表达来预测。 AAC自绝缘砌块砖的厚度为250 mm(无灰泥表面)的传热系数为(0.558±0.003)W /(m·K)。使用抹灰表面时,传热系数降低了4.4%至8.9%。通过使用测试,理论计算和ANSYS(美国宾夕法尼亚州卡农斯堡的ANSYS公司)分析方法,在传热系数值方面存在良好的一致性。在扩展性的基础上,提出了不同厚度的AAC自保温砌块砌体的传热系数。针对不同寒冷地区的住宅外墙,提出了最佳厚度,以满足节能的设计要求。



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