首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Korean Journal of Neurotrauma >Treatment of Pseudoaneurysm of Internal Maxillary Artery Resulting from Needle Injury

Treatment of Pseudoaneurysm of Internal Maxillary Artery Resulting from Needle Injury




Pseudoaneurysm of internal maxillary artery (IMA) after trauma is rare, and most cases reported are caused by maxilla-facial blunt trauma. Pseudoaneurysm is discontinuity in the vascular wall leading to an extravascular hematoma that freely communicates with the intravascular space producing pulsatile hematoma rapidly. A 44-years-old woman presented with a pulsatile swelling and pain in the left parotid region. She underwent the masticatory muscle reduction using needle injection in dentistry 1 month ago. The left facial pulsatile swelling developed after the procedure immediately and uncontrolled bleeding occurred on the day of visit to our institution. We performed emergency angiography and diagnosed pseudoaneurysm of left IMA. We treated by embolization with Histoacryl Glue through left IMA. IMA total occlusion was confirmed and symptoms improved. Pseudoaneurysm following blunt trauma of the face have been reported but are few. Furthermore, there is no report of IMA pseudoaneurysm due to direct injury by needle. Recently, many cosmetic surgery procedures using injection techniques have been performed, and it is necessary to pay attention to the direct vessel injury by the needle. And endovascular therapies can give early recovery with minimal morbidity and avoids injury to the facial nerve and its branches.
机译:创伤后上颌内动脉假性动脉瘤很少见,报道的大多数病例是由上颌面钝性创伤引起的。假性动脉瘤是血管壁的不连续,导致血管外血肿与血管内空间自由连通,迅速产生搏动性血肿。一名44岁的女性在左腮腺区域出现搏动性肿胀和疼痛。 1个月前,她在牙科领域使用针头注射减少了咀嚼肌。手术后立即出现左面部搏动性红肿,在就诊当天就发生了无法控制的出血。我们进行了紧急血管造影,并诊断出左IMA的假性动脉瘤。我们通过左IMA用Histoacryl Glue进行栓塞治疗。确认IMA完全闭塞,症状得到改善。面部钝性创伤后的假性动脉瘤已有报道,但很少。此外,尚无因针直接受伤导致IMA假性动脉瘤的报道。近来,已经进行了许多使用注射技术的美容手术程序,并且有必要注意针对血管的直接伤害。血管内疗法可以使早期康复且发病率降至最低,并避免损伤面神经及其分支。



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