首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Clinical Microbiology >Correction of Underquantification of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Load with the Second Version of the Roche Cobas AmpliPrep/Cobas TaqMan Assay

Correction of Underquantification of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Load with the Second Version of the Roche Cobas AmpliPrep/Cobas TaqMan Assay

机译:使用罗氏Cobas AmpliPrep / Cobas TaqMan分析的第二版对人类免疫缺陷病毒1型负载的定量不足进行校正



Initial evaluations of the Cobas AmpliPrep/Cobas TaqMan human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) test (CAP/CTM) demonstrated good performance but, afterwards, reports about underquantification were published. We investigated whether the problem was solved with a second version of this assay, the Cobas AmpliPrep/Cobas TaqMan HIV-1 test, version 2.0 (CAP/CTM v2.0). The remaining plasma of 375 consecutive HIV-1 positive samples with a viral load of ≥4,000 copies/ml was collected in three laboratories. The samples were diluted and retested with our routine method Cobas AmpliPrep/Cobas Amplicor HIV-1 monitor test v1.5 in ultrasensitive mode (CAP/CA PHS), as well as with the CAP/CTM and CAP/CTM v2.0 tests. An absolute difference between the results of two methods of ≥0.71 log10 copies/ml was defined as moderately discrepant, and an absolute difference of ≥0.93 log10 copies/ml was defined as severely discrepant. In addition, criteria for considering the new methods equivalent to the routine method were formulated. (i) For CAP/CTM compared to CAP/CA PHS, 36 (9.5%) and 20 (5.3%) samples were, respectively, considered moderately and severely underquantified by CAP/CTM. The mean difference between CAP/CTM and CAP/CA PHS was −0.32 log10 copies/ml. Eight of nineteen of the severely underquantified samples were from patients infected with HIV-1 subtype B strain. (ii) For CAP/CTM v2.0 compared to CAP/CA PHS, no sample was moderately or severely underquantified by CAP/CTM v2.0. A mean difference of 0.08 log10 copies/ml was found with CAP/CTM v2.0 compared to CAP/CA PHS. The underquantification problem of the CAP/CTM kit was clearly demonstrated. The criteria for the equivalence of CAP/CTM v2.0 to the routine test CAP/CA PHS were fulfilled.
机译:对Cobas AmpliPrep / Cobas TaqMan 1型人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV-1)测试(CAP / CTM)的初步评估显示出良好的性能,但随后发表了有关定量不足的报道。我们调查了该方法的第二个版本(Cobas AmpliPrep / Cobas TaqMan HIV-1测试版2.0版(CAP / CTM v2.0))是否解决了问题。在三个实验室中收集了375份连续的HIV-1阳性样品的剩余血浆,这些样品的病毒载量≥4,000拷贝/ ml。使用我们的常规方法Cobas AmpliPrep / Cobas Amplicor HIV-1监测器测试v1.5以超灵敏模式(CAP / CA PHS)以及CAP / CTM和CAP / CTM v2.0测试对样品进行稀释和重新测试。两种方法的结果之间的绝对差异≥0.71 log10个拷贝/毫升被定义为中度差异,而两个方法的绝对差异≥0.93 log10个拷贝/毫升被定义为严重差异。此外,制定了考虑与常规方法等效的新方法的标准。 (i)与CAP / CA PHS相比,CAP / CTM对CAP / CTM的量化程度分别为36(9.5%)和20(5.3%)。 CAP / CTM和CAP / CA PHS之间的平均差异为-0.32 log10拷贝/毫升。 19个严重量化不足的样本中有8个来自感染HIV-1 B型亚型的患者。 (ii)对于CAP / CTM v2.0与CAP / CA PHS相比,没有样品被CAP / CTM v2.0适度或严重量化。与CAP / CA PHS相比,CAP / CTM v2.0发现平均差异为0.08 log10个拷贝/ ml。 CAP / CTM套件的量化不足问题已得到明确证明。符合CAP / CTM v2.0与常规测试CAP / CA PHS等效的标准。



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