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PSXI-7 Sustainable intensification of the beef cattle production system in Brazil: animal performance in growing phase in pasture.




The trial aimed to evaluate the effect of sustainable intensification of the production system on final body weight (BWf), average daily gain (ADG), gain by area (GA), stocking rate (SR), production and morphogenic composition of the forage. Nellore young bulls (n=44) and ½Angus x ½Nellore (n=44) were randomly assigned in two systems in growing phase (IS=intensive and SIS=semi intensive). The IS - 6 paddocks of cv Xaraés with 2 ha each, were fertilized with 40 kg/ha of P O , 40 kg/ha of K O and 150 kg/ha N, splitted in three applications of 50 kg/ha during the rainy season, with urea as a nitrogen source. The SIS - 8 paddocks of cv Marandu, with 2 ha each didn′t receive any fertilization in the last 5 years. The animals were supplemented with mineral salt from December to February. February to May the animals received protein supplementation in 0.1 %BW. The supplement was formulated with ingredients that no compete with human or monogastrics food and without antibiotics. The results were analyzed by ANOVA using PROC MIXED procedures in SAS 9.4, with a 2 × 2 factorial arrangements, and the averages were compared at 5% level of significance. The production system influenced (P<0.0001) BWf, ADG, GA and SR (459 and 428 kg, 1.09 and 0.92 kg/day, 4.50 and 1.85 AU/ha, 30.90 and 9.05 @/ha, IS and SIS, respectively). The animals of Angus crossbreed showed higher BWf, ADG, AG and SR in relation to Nellore animals (P<0.05). Forage production, percentage of green leaf, green stem and dead matter were influenced by the production system (7.43 and 4.71 t/ha, 30.50 and 19.75%, 32.17 and 18.66%, 37.34 and 61.59%, P<0.001, SI and SSI, respectively). Animal performance, productivity and forage production were directly affected by the system intensification.
机译:该试验旨在评估生产系统的可持续集约化对最终体重(BWf),平均日增重(ADG),面积增重(GA),放牧率(SR),产量和形态形成成分的影响。 Nellore公牛(n = 44)和½Angusx½Nellore(n = 44)在生长期随机分配到两个系统中(IS =密集型,SIS =半密集型)。将IS-6牧场的cvXaraés牧场分别各占2公顷,分别以40公斤/公顷的PO,40公斤/公顷的KO和150公斤/公顷的氮施肥,在雨季分为三份,每公顷50公斤/公顷,以尿素为氮源SIS-简历Marandu的8个围场,每个围场2公顷,在过去5年中未施肥。从12月到2月,给动物补充了矿盐。 2月至5月,动物接受0.1%体重的蛋白质补充。该补充剂的配方与人类或单胃食品无竞争,且不含抗生素。结果采用SAS 9.4中的PROC MIXED程序通过ANOVA进行分析,采用2×2析因排列,并在5%显着性水平下比较平均值。生产系统影响(P <0.0001)BWf,ADG,GA和SR(分别为459和428 kg,1.09和0.92 kg /天,4.50和1.85 AU / ha,30.90和9.05 @ / ha,IS和SIS)。与Nellore动物相比,Angus杂种动物的BWf,ADG,AG和SR更高(P <0.05)。饲草产量,绿叶,绿茎和死物的百分比受生产系统影响(7.43和4.71吨/公顷,30.50和19.75%,32.17和18.66%,37.34和61.59%,P <0.001,SI和SSI,分别)。系统集约化直接影响动物的性能,生产力和草料生产。



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