首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health >Effects of a Risk-Based Licensing Scheme on the Incidence of Alcohol-Related Assault in Queensland Australia: A Quasi-Experimental Evaluation

Effects of a Risk-Based Licensing Scheme on the Incidence of Alcohol-Related Assault in Queensland Australia: A Quasi-Experimental Evaluation




Amid concerns about increasing alcohol-related violence in licensed premises, Queensland introduced a system of risk-based licensing (RBL) in 2009, the first of five Australian jurisdictions to do so. Under RBL, annual license fees are supposed to reflect the risk of harm associated with the outlet’s trading hours and record of compliance with liquor laws. The objective is to improve service and management practices thereby reducing patron intoxication and related problems. Using police data, we defined cases as assaults that occurred during so-called ‘high-alcohol hours’, and compared a pre-intervention period of 2004–2008 with the post-intervention period 2009–2014. We employed segmented linear regression, adjusting for year and time of assault (high vs. low alcohol hours), to model the incidence of (1) all assaults and (2) a subset that police indicated were related to drinking in licensed premises. We found a small decrease in all assaults (β = −5 per 100,000 persons/year; 95% CI: 2, 9) but no significant change in the incidence of assault attributed to drinking in licensed premises (β = −8; 95% CI: −18, 2). Accordingly, we concluded that the results do not support a hypothesis that RBL is effective in the prevention of harm from licensed premises. There may be value in trialing regulatory schemes with meaningful contingencies for non-compliance, and, in the meantime, implementing demonstrably effective strategies, such as trading hour restrictions, if the aim is to reduce alcohol-related violence.
机译:由于人们担心在许可的场所中与酒精有关的暴力行为不断增加,昆士兰州于2009年引入了基于风险的许可(RBL)系统,这是澳大利亚五个司法管辖区中的第一个。根据RBL,年度许可费应反映出与网点交易时间相关的损害风险以及遵守酒类法律的记录。目的是改善服务和管理实践,从而减少顾客中毒和相关问题。使用警察数据,我们将案件定义为在所谓的“高酒时间”发生的袭击,并将干预前的2004-2008年与干预后的2009-2014年进行了比较。我们采用分段线性回归,针对殴打的年份和时间(高酒时间与低酒时间)进行调整,以模拟(1)所有殴打事件和(2)警方表示与在许可场所饮酒有关的子集的发生率。我们发现,所有袭击事件的发生率都有小幅下降(β= -5每100,000人/年; 95%CI:2、9),但由于在有执照的场所饮酒造成的袭击发生率没有显着变化(β= −8; 95% CI:-18,2)。因此,我们得出的结论是,该结果不支持RBL有效防止许可场所造成损害的假设。如果试验目的是减少与酒精有关的暴力行为,则对具有违规意味的应急计划进行试验可能具有价值,同时,还应实施明显有效的战略,例如交易时间限制。



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