首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health >Effects of Lifting Method Safety Shoe Type and Lifting Frequency on Maximum Acceptable Weight of Lift Physiological Responses and Safety Shoes Discomfort Rating

Effects of Lifting Method Safety Shoe Type and Lifting Frequency on Maximum Acceptable Weight of Lift Physiological Responses and Safety Shoes Discomfort Rating




This study aimed to investigate the physical effects of precision lifting tasks on the maximal acceptable weight of a lift (i.e., psychophysiological lifting capacity where the workers adjust the lifting weight in order to work without any fatigue or strain at the end of the work while wearing common safety shoe types). Additionally, the physical difference between the precise and non-precise lifting conditions associated with wearing safety shoes were assessed by respiration responses and shoe discomfort ratings. To achieve the objective of the study, ten healthy male workers were selected by age (between 25 to 35 years old). Their anthropometric characteristics, including knuckle height, knee height, and body mass index (BMI), were measured. A three-way repeated measures design with three independent variables was used; the variables included—the (1) lifting method (precise and non-precise), (2) lifting frequency (1 and 4 lifts per min), and (3) safety shoe type (light-duty, medium-duty, and heavy-duty). The physiological response variables and one of the subjective factors of this study were—(1) respiration responses, and (2) shoe discomfort rating, respectively. The data were analyzed using the Mauchly’s test of sphericity, Shapiro–Wilk normality test, and analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results showed that the use of heavy-duty safety shoes typically increased the shoe discomfort rating under precise lifting methods. Additionally, the lifting frequency was determined to be one of the main factors affecting respiratory responses and shoe discomfort rating. This study also found that respiration responses rose on four lifts per min as compared to 1 lift per min, regardless of the lifting method type. This study indicated that the replacement of some types of ordinary safety shoes used in some workplaces with those selected appropriately might significantly reduce the rating effort required to lift objects or tools. However, the benefits should be carefully evaluated before replacing the safety shoes.
机译:这项研究旨在调查精确起重任务对举升机最大可接受重量的物理影响(即,心理生理起重能力,工人可以调整起重重量,以便在工作结束时穿着时不会出现任何疲劳或劳累常见的安全靴类型)。另外,通过呼吸反应和鞋子的不舒适度来评估与穿着安全鞋有关的精确和不精确的举升条件之间的物理差异。为了达到研究的目的,按年龄(25至35岁)选择了十名健康的男性工人。测量了它们的人体测量学特征,包括指关节高度,膝盖高度和体重指数(BMI)。使用具有三个独立变量的三向重复测量设计;这些变量包括-(1)举升方法(精确和不精确),(2)举升频率(每分钟1和4次举升)和(3)安全靴类型(轻型,中型和重型) -义务)。这项研究的生理反应变量和主观因素之一是-(1)呼吸反应和(2)鞋子不适等级。使用Mauchly球形度检验,Shapiro-Wilk正态检验和方差分析(ANOVA)对数据进行了分析。结果表明,使用重型安全鞋通常会在精确的举升方法下增加鞋子的不适等级。此外,举起频率被确定为是影响呼吸反应和鞋子不适等级的主要因素之一。这项研究还发现,无论哪种提举方法类型,每分钟4次举升都会产生呼吸反应,而每分钟1个举升则上升。这项研究表明,用适当选择的鞋替换某些工作场所中使用的某些类型的普通安全鞋,可能会大大减少举起物体或工具所需的额定工作量。但是,在更换安全靴之前,应仔细评估其好处。



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