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Knowledge attitudes behaviours and beliefs of healthcare provider students regarding mandatory influenza vaccination




Influenza infection poses the same risk to healthcare students as to practising clinicians. While there is substantial dialog about the benefits, risks, and ethics of mandatory influenza immunization policies in Canada, there has been little engagement of healthcare students. To explore the knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours of healthcare students, we administered a web-based survey to students at Dalhousie University. Influenza vaccination status varied by program type, with 86.3% of medical students (n = 124) and 52.4% of nursing students (n = 96) self-reporting receipt of the influenza vaccine both in the previous and current seasons; pharmacy students’ coverage fell between the two. Pharmacy students had higher mean knowledge scores (10.0 out of 13 questions) than medical (9.26) and nursing (8.88) students. Between 56.1% and 64.5% of students across disciplines were in support of a mandatory masking or vaccination policy, and between 72.6% and 82.3% of students would comply if such a policy were in place. A sense of duty to be immunized, desire to be taught more about influenza and influenza vaccine, belief that the hospital has a right to know vaccination status, support for declination policy, and willingness to accept consequences of noncompliance were all predictors of student support of mandatory policies. Medical and pharmacy students tended to hold more pro-influenza vaccination attitudes, had higher knowledge scores, and better vaccine coverage than nursing students. Based on the overall vaccination behaviour, knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes of students surveyed, this study demonstrates that mandatory influenza immunization policies are generally supported by the next generation of practitioners.
机译:流行性感冒感染给医疗保健学生和执业医生带来相同的风险。尽管在加拿大,有关强制性流感疫苗接种政策的好处,风险和道德观念存在大量对话,但医护专业的学生很少参与其中。为了探索医疗专业学生的知识,态度,信念和行为,我们对达尔豪西大学的学生进行了基于网络的调查。流感疫苗的接种状况因计划类型而异,在过去和当前的季节中,有86.3%的医学生(n = 124)和52.4%的护理生(n = 96)自我报告接种了流感疫苗;药房学生的学习范围介于两者之间。药学专业学生的平均知识得分(13个问题中的10.0)高于医学专业(9.26)和护理专业(8.88)的学生。跨学科的学生中有56.1%至64.5%的人支持强制性的遮罩或疫苗接种政策,而如果有这样的政策,则有72.6%至82.3%的学生会遵守。有接种疫苗的责任感,渴望学习更多有关流感和流感疫苗的知识,相信医院有权了解疫苗接种状况,支持拒绝政策以及愿意接受违规后果的意愿都是学生对疫苗支持的预测因素强制性政策。与护理专业的学生相比,医学和药学专业的学生倾向于持有更多的预防流感疫苗的态度,知识得分更高,疫苗覆盖率更高。根据受访学生的总体疫苗接种行为,知识,信念和态度,本研究表明强制性流感疫苗接种政策通常由下一代从业者支持。



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