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Kin discrimination negative relatedness and how to distinguish between selfishness and spite




Spiteful behaviors occur when an actor harms its own fitness to inflict harm on the fitness of others. Several papers have predicted that spite can be favored in sufficiently small populations, even when the harming behavior is directed indiscriminately at others. However, it is not clear that truly spiteful behavior could be favored without the harm being directed at a subset of social partners with relatively low genetic similarity to the actor (kin discrimination, causing a negative relatedness between actor and harmed recipient). Using mathematical models, we show that (1) the evolution of spite requires kin discrimination; (2) previous models suggesting indiscriminate spite involve scenarios where the actor gains a direct feedback benefit from harming others, and so the harming is selfish rather than spiteful; (3) extreme selfishness can be favored in small populations (or, more generally, under local competition) because this is where the direct feedback benefit of harming is greatest.
机译:当演员损害自己的身体健康以损害他人的身体健康时,就会发生恶意行为。几篇论文已经预测,即使伤害行为是不加区别地针对其他人,也可以在足够小的人口中获得好处。但是,尚不清楚在不针对与行为者遗传相似性相对较低的社会伙伴的子集(亲属歧视,导致行为者与受害人之间负相关)的情况下,是否应支持真正的恶意行为。使用数学模型,我们表明(1)恶意的进化需要亲属歧视; (2)先前的模型表明不加区分的恶意行为涉及以下场景:演员因伤害他人而获得直接反馈利益,因此伤害行为是自私的而非恶意的; (3)在少数人群中(或更普遍地说,在本地竞争中),极端自私可能会受到青睐,因为这是伤害的直接反馈收益最大的地方。



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