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Anti-predator behavior along elevational and latitudinal gradients in dark-eyed juncos




Flight-initiation distance (FID), the distance between an individual and experimenter when it begins to flee, can be used to quantify risk-assessment. Among other factors, prior studies have shown that latitude explains significant variation in avian FID: at lower latitudes, individuals and species have longer FIDs than those living at higher latitudes. No prior studies have focused on the effect of elevation on FID. Given the similar patterns of seasonality, climate, and potentially predator density, that covary between latitude and elevation, birds at higher elevations might tolerate closer approaches. We asked whether elevation or latitude would explain more variation in the FID of a common passerine bird species, dark-eyed juncos ( ). Juncos live in a variety of habitats along both latitudinal and elevational gradients. We found that statistical models containing elevation as a variable explained more of the variation in FID than did models containing latitude. We also found, unexpectedly, that birds at higher elevation fled at greater distances. While more predators were sighted per hour at higher elevations than at lower elevations, the frequency of predator sightings did not explain a significant amount of variation in FID. This result questions whether predator density is the main driver of risk perception along elevational gradients. Nonetheless, because elevation explains more variation in FID than latitude in at least one species, these findings have direct implications on how human impacts on birds are managed. Specifically, those designing set-back zones to reduce human impact on birds may consider modifying them based on both latitude and elevation.
机译:飞行起始距离(FID),即个体与实验人员开始逃离时的距离,可以用来量化风险评估。在其他因素中,先前的研究表明,纬度解释了禽类FID的显着变化:在较低的纬度下,个人和物种的FID比在较高纬度下更长。以前没有研究集中在海拔对FID的影响上。考虑到相似的季节性,气候和潜在的捕食者密度模式,即纬度和海拔之间的差异,较高海拔的鸟类可能会容忍更近的进近。我们问到海拔或纬度是否可以解释常见的雀形目鸟(黑眼jun)的FID的更多变化。 Juncos沿纬度和海拔梯度生活在多种栖息地中。我们发现,包含高程作为变量的统计模型比包含纬度的模型解释了FID的更多变化。我们还出乎意料地发现,海拔较高的鸟类逃离的距离更大。虽然每小时在较高海拔处看到的掠食者多于在较低海拔处,但掠夺者被发现的频率并不能解释FID的显着变化。这个结果质疑捕食者密度是否是沿海拔梯度的风险感知的主要驱动力。尽管如此,由于至少一种物种的海拔高度解释了FID的变化而不是纬度,因此这些发现直接影响了人类如何管理鸟类。具体来说,那些设计后退区域以减少人类对鸟类的影响的人可能会考虑根据纬度和海拔对它们进行修改。



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