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An opportunity to address modifiable breast cancer risks: Mammography screening and physical activity readiness to change




Breast cancer risk is significantly reduced by improvements in lifestyle factors such as physical activity. Previous work suggests personal experiences such as false positive mammography or family history of breast cancer may influence these health behaviors. Surveys were distributed to women aged 40–75 who had received a negative mammogram from an academic hospital in Virginia in 2015. Measures assessed breast cancer worry and perceived risk, awareness of cancer risk factors, family history of breast cancer, false positive mammography experience, and readiness to change physical activity. Surveys were collected from 106 women. The regression for readiness to change physical activity was significant, F(7, 91) = 3.7, p = 0.001, R2 = 0.22. Physical activity readiness to change was positively associated with income (p = 0.034) and receipt of a false positive mammogram (p = 0.045). African American women (p = 0.031) and women with family history of breast cancer (p = 0.027) reported lower readiness to change physical activity. Results support previous qualitative work suggesting the receipt of a false positive mammogram may stimulate motivation to increase physical activity. Mammography screening may serve as a strategic opportunity to target modifiable breast cancer risk factors at a time when women are highly receptive to a lifestyle change intervention.
机译:改善生活方式因素(例如体育锻炼)可显着降低乳腺癌风险。先前的工作表明,诸如乳腺假阳性或乳腺癌家族史等个人经历可能会影响这些健康行为。调查对象为40岁至75岁的女性,这些女性在2015年从弗吉尼亚州的一家大学医院接受了乳房X线检查,结果均为阴性。这些措施评估了乳腺癌的忧虑和感知风险,对癌症危险因素的认识,乳腺癌的家族病史,乳房X线摄影的假阳性经历,并准备改变体育锻炼。从106名妇女那里收集了调查。准备改变身体活动的回归显着,F(7,91)= 3.7,p = 0.001,R2 = 0.22。身体活动的变化准备就绪与收入(p = 0.034)和收到假阳性乳房X线照片(p = 0.045)呈正相关。非洲裔美国妇女(p = 0.031)和有乳腺癌家族史的妇女(p = 0.027)报告说降低改变体育锻炼的意愿。结果支持以前的定性工作,表明接受错误的乳房X线照片可能会刺激增加运动量的动机。当女性高度接受生活方式改变干预时,乳腺钼靶筛查可能是针对可改变的乳腺癌危险因素的战略机会。



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