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Variation in External Rotation Moment Arms among Subregions of Supraspinatus Infraspinatus and Teres Minor Muscles




A rotator cuff tear causes morphologic changes in rotator cuff muscles and tendons and reduced shoulder strength. The mechanisms by which these changes affect joint strength are not understood. This study’s purpose was to empirically determine rotation moment arms for subregions of supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and for teres minor, and to test the hypothesis that subregions of the cuff tendons increase their effective moment arms through connections to other subregions. Tendon excursions were measured for full ranges of rotation on 10 independent glenohumeral specimens with the humerus abducted in the scapular plane at 10 and 60°. Supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons were divided into equal width subregions. Two conditions were tested: tendon divided to the musculotendinous junction, and tendon divided to the insertion on the humerus. Moment arms were determined from tendon excursion via the principle of virtual work. Moment arms for the infraspinatus (p < 0.001) and supraspinatus (p < 0.001) were significantly greater when the tendon was only divided to the musculotendinous junction versus division to the humeral head. Moment arms across subregions of infraspinatus (p < 0.001) and supraspinatus (p < 0.001) were significantly different. A difference in teres minor moment arm was not found for the two cuff tendon conditions. Moment arm differences between muscle subregions and for tendon division conditions have clinical implications. Interaction between cuff regions could explain why some subjects retain strength after a small cuff tear. This finding helps explain why a partial cuff repair may be beneficial when a complete repair is not possible. Data presented here can help differentiate between cuff tear cases that would benefit from cuff repair and cases for which cuff repair might not be as favorable.
机译:肩袖撕裂会导致肩袖肌肉和肌腱形态改变,并降低肩部力量。这些变化影响关节强度的机制尚不清楚。这项研究的目的是凭经验确定上棘,下腓骨和小畸形的次区域的旋转力矩臂,并检验以下假设:袖腱的次区域通过与其他子区域的连接来增加其有效力矩臂。在10个独立的肱肱标本上测量了腱旋转的整个旋转范围,其中肱骨在肩and平面中以10°和60°绑架。上腕肌和下腕肌肌腱被分成相等宽度的子区域。测试了两种情况:肌腱分为肌腱连接点,肌腱分为肱骨插入物。通过虚拟工作原理从肌腱偏移确定力矩臂。当肌腱仅被分为肌腱连接点时,肱骨下肌(p <0.001)和棘上肌(p <0.001)的力矩臂明显大于肱骨头的力矩臂。横贯鼻下肌(p <0.001)和棘上肌(p <0.001)的子区域的力矩臂有显着差异。对于两个袖带肌腱情况,未发现小腿力矩臂的差异。肌肉分区之间的臂力差异以及对于肌腱分裂情况的临床意义。袖带区域之间的相互作用可以解释为什么有些受试者在袖带撕裂后仍能保持力量。这一发现有助于解释为什么无法进行完全修复时进行部分袖带修复可能会有所帮助。此处提供的数据可帮助区分可从袖带修复中受益的袖带撕裂病例和袖带修复可能不那么有利的病例。



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