首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Clinical Microbiology >Capnocytophaga canimorsus sp. nov. (formerly CDC group DF-2) a cause of septicemia following dog bite and C. cynodegmi sp. nov. a cause of localized wound infection following dog bite.

Capnocytophaga canimorsus sp. nov. (formerly CDC group DF-2) a cause of septicemia following dog bite and C. cynodegmi sp. nov. a cause of localized wound infection following dog bite.

机译:Capnocytophaga canimorsus sp。十一月(以前是CDC组DF-2)一种引起狗咬伤后败血病的原因还有C. cynodegmi sp.。十一月狗咬后引起局部伤口感染的原因。



CDC group DF-2 is the vernacular name given to a slow-growing gram-negative bacterium that causes septicemia and meningitis in humans. Infections frequently (one-third of cases) occur following dog bites or close contact with dogs or occasionally with cats. Splenectomy and alcoholism appear to be strong predisposing factors for DF-2 infection. In addition to 150 DF-2 strains received for identification, we received 9 DF-2-like strains; 6 were isolated from wound or eye infections, 3 of which were associated with dog bites and 1 of which was associated with a cat scratch, and 3 were isolated from dog mouths. The major characteristics of DF-2 include production of acid but no gas from lactose and maltose and usually D-glucose; positive reactions for oxidase, catalase, arginine dihydrolase, gliding motility, and o-nitrophenyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside; growth enhanced by serum and by incubation in a candle jar atmosphere; and negative reactions for sucrose, raffinose, inulin, melibiose, nitrate reduction, indole, and growth on MacConkey agar. DF-2-like strains had the same characteristics, except that acid was formed from sucrose, raffinose, inulin, and melibiose. By the hydroxyapatite method, DNAs from 12 DF-2 strains were 88% related in 60 degrees C reactions and 84% related in 75 degrees C reactions. Related sequences contained 0.5 to 1.5% unpaired bases (divergence). Three DF-2-like strains were 73 to 80% related at 60 degrees C (with 2.0 to 2.5% divergence) and 68 to 75% related at 75 degrees C. The relatedness of DF-2 and DF-2-like strains was 19 to 31% at 60 degrees Celsius and 13 to 19% at 75 degrees Celsius. The relatedness of DF-2 and DF-2-like strains to Capnocytophaga species was 4 to 7%. The DNA relatedness date indicate that eh DF-2 and the DF-2-like strains are separate, previously undescribed species. Both groups are phenotypically and genetically distinct from Capnocytophaga species, although they do share several characteristics with Capnocytophaga species, including cellular morphology, gliding motility, cellular fatty acid composition, enhancement of growth in a candle jar atmosphere, and G+C content. The new species differ from Capnocytophaga species by their positive oxidase and catalase reactions. We chose to avoid creating a new genus and proposed the names Capnocytophaga canimorsus sp. nov. for group DF-2 and C. cynodegmi sp. nov. for the DF-2-like strains.
机译:CDC组DF-2是俗称的慢速革兰氏阴性细菌,会导致人类败血症和脑膜炎。在狗咬人或与狗或与猫紧密接触后,经常会发生感染(占三分之一)。脾切除术和酗酒似乎是DF-2感染的强烈诱因。除了收到150株DF-2菌株进行鉴定外,我们还收到了9株DF-2样菌株。从伤口或眼部感染中分离出6例,其中3例与狗咬伤相关,其中1例与猫抓挠相关,3例与狗口分离。 DF-2的主要特性包括产生酸,但乳糖和麦芽糖以及通常的D-葡萄糖不产生气体。氧化酶,过氧化氢酶,精氨酸二水解酶,滑动运动和邻硝基苯基-β-D-吡喃半乳糖苷的阳性反应;通过血清和在烛罐气氛中孵育增强生长;在MacConkey琼脂上对蔗糖,棉子糖,菊粉,黑松糖,硝酸盐还原,吲哚和生长的负面反应。 DF-2样菌株具有相同的特征,只是酸是由蔗糖,棉子糖,菊粉和蜜三糖形成的。通过羟磷灰石法,来自12个DF-2菌株的DNA在60℃反应中相关性为88%,在75℃反应中相关性为84%。相关序列包含0.5%至1.5%的未配对碱基(差异)。三种DF-2样菌株在60摄氏度下有73至80%的相关性(差异为2.0到2.5%),在75摄氏度下有68至75%的相关性。DF-2和DF-2样菌株的相关性为60摄氏度时为19%至31%,75摄氏度时为13%至19%。 DF-2和DF-2样菌株与Capnocytophaga种类的相关性为4%至7%。 DNA的相关性日期表明eh DF-2和DF-2-like菌株是分开的,先前未描述的物种。两组在表型和遗传上均与食丝菌属物种不同,尽管它们确实与食丝菌属物种具有一些特征,包括细胞形态,滑动运动性,细胞脂肪酸组成,烛罐气氛中生长的增强和G + C含量。新物种与Capnocytophaga物种的区别在于它们的正氧化酶和过氧化氢酶反应。我们选择避免​​创建一个新属,并提议命名Capnocytophaga canimorsus sp。十一月用于组DF-2和C. cynodegmi sp。十一月用于DF-2样菌株。



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