首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>other >Photoperiodic Induced Changes in Reproductive State of Border Canaries (Serinus canaria) are Associated with Marked Variation in Hypothalamic Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Immunoreactivity and the Volume of Song Control Regions

Photoperiodic Induced Changes in Reproductive State of Border Canaries (Serinus canaria) are Associated with Marked Variation in Hypothalamic Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Immunoreactivity and the Volume of Song Control Regions

机译:光周期诱导的边界金丝雀(Serinus canaria)生殖状态的变化与下丘脑促性腺激素释放激素免疫反应性和歌曲控制区数量的明显变化有关。



In temperate zone songbirds, such as canaries (Serinus canaria), seasonal variation in gonadal activity and behavior are associated with marked brain changes. These include gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) expression and the volume of brain areas controlling song production. Questions have been raised about the consistency of seasonal brain changes in canaries. Laboratory studies of the American singer strain raised doubts as to whether this strain exhibits a robust photoperiodic response along with changes in brain GnRH content, and studies of free-living canaries have failed to identify seasonal changes in volume of song control nuclei. We assessed differences in brain GnRH and the song control system associated with photoperiod-induced variation in reproductive state in Border canaries. We found that males and females maintained for 10 weeks on long days (14L:10D) regress their gonads, exhibit a decline in testosterone and initiate mo a response consistent with the onset of absolute photorefractoriness (i.e., failed to respond to previously stimulating daylengths). All birds regained photosensitivity (i.e., exhibited gonadal response to stimulating daylengths) after experiencing short days (8L:16D) for 6 weeks. Furthermore, comparisons of birds in either a photosensitive, photostimulated, or photorefractory state revealed a marked increase in GnRH protein expression in the photosensitive and photostimulated birds over photorefractory birds. A similar variation was observed in the volume of key forebrain song nuclei. Thus, Border canaries demonstrate measurable neuroplasticity in response to photoperiodic manipulations. These data, along with previous work on other strains of canaries, indicate the presence of intra-specific variation in photoperiodically regulated neuroplasticity.
机译:在温带地区的鸣鸟,例如金丝雀(Serinus canaria),性腺活动和行为的季节性变化与明显的大脑变化有关。这些包括促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)的表达和控制歌曲产生的大脑区域的体积。人们对金丝雀的季节性大脑变化的一致性提出了疑问。美国歌手菌株的实验室研究令人怀疑这种菌株是否表现出强烈的光周期反应以及大脑GnRH含量的变化,而自由生活的金丝雀的研究未能确定歌曲控制核数量的季节性变化。我们评估了大脑GnRH和歌曲控制系统的差异,这些差异与光周期诱导的边境金丝雀繁殖状态的变化有关。我们发现,雄性和雌性在长时间(14L:10D)下维持10周的性腺会消退,睾丸激素下降并开始蜕皮。与绝对光折光性发作相一致的反应(即未能响应先前刺激的白天)。在短短的几天(8L:16D)经历6周后,所有的鸟类恢复了光敏性(即对刺激的白天表现出性腺反应)。此外,对处于光敏,光刺激或光致难治状态的禽类进行比较,发现光敏和光刺激的鸟类中GnRH蛋白表达显着高于光敏难治性鸟类。在关键的前脑歌曲核的体积中观察到类似的变化。因此,边界金丝雀对光周期操作显示出可测量的神经可塑性。这些数据,以及以前在其他金丝雀菌株上的研究表明,在光周期调节的神经可塑性中存在种内变异。



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