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A rapid topographic mapping and eye alignment method using optical imaging in Macaque visual cortex




In optical imaging experiments, it is often advantageous to map the field of view and to converge the eyes without electrophysiological recording. This occurs when limited space precludes placement of an electrode or in chronic optical chambers in which one may not want to introduce an electrode each session or for determining eye position in studies of ocular disparity response in visual cortex of anesthetized animals. For these purposes, we have developed a spot imaging method that can be conducted rapidly and repeatedly throughout an experiment. Using small 0.2° – 0.5° spots, the extent of the imaged field of view is mapped by imaging cortical response to single spots, placed at different positions (0.2° steps) in either the horizontal or vertical axes. By shifting the relative positions of two spots, one presented to each eye, eye convergence can be assessed to within 0.1° resolution. Once appropriate eye alignment is determined, stimuli for further optical imaging procedures (e.g. imaging random dot stimuli for study of disparity responses) can then be confidently placed. This procedure can be quickly repeated throughout the experiment to ensure maintained eye alignment.
机译:在光学成像实验中,在不进行电生理记录的情况下,绘制视野并收敛眼睛通常是有利的。当有限的空间无法将电极放置在慢性光学室中时,或者在长期不希望在每次会议中引入电极或为了确定麻醉动物的视皮层中的视差反应的眼图位置而不想放置电极的慢性光学室中,会发生这种情况。为此,我们开发了一种斑点成像方法,可以在整个实验过程中快速重复进行。使用0.2°– 0.5°的小光斑,通过对皮层的成像做出反应,将成像视野的范围映射到单个光斑,这些光斑在水平或垂直轴上的不同位置(以0.2°步进)放置。通过移动两个斑点的相对位置,每个斑点都出现在每个眼睛上,可以将眼睛的会聚度评估为0.1°分辨率之内。一旦确定了合适的眼睛对齐方式,就可以放心地放置用于进一步光学成像程序的刺激(例如,用于研究视差反应的成像随机点刺激)。在整个实验过程中可以快速重复此过程,以确保保持眼睛对齐。



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