首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Clinical Microbiology >Correlation of penicillin minimum inhibitory concentrations and penicillin zone edge appearance with staphylococcal beta-lactamase production.

Correlation of penicillin minimum inhibitory concentrations and penicillin zone edge appearance with staphylococcal beta-lactamase production.




Production of staphylococcal beta-lactamase was shown to be correlated with penicillin G minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of greater than 0.05 microgram/ml for 97% of the Staphylococcus aureus and 99% of the Staphylococcus epidermidis strains tested. However, it is important to note that of the isolates for which MICs were equal to or less than 0.05 micro/ml, a significant percentage (16% of S. aureus and 5% of S. epidermidis) were beta-lactamase producers. Thus, lack of beta-lactamase production, which implies susceptibility to penicillin, cannot be presumed solely on the basis of low MICs. Beta-lactamase production can be easily predicted from disk diffusion susceptibility tests by observing the appearance of the penicillin inhibition zone edge. A sharply demarcated edge was correlated with beta-lactamase production for 100% of the S. aureus and 93% of the S. epidermidis strains tested. The presence of this type of zone edge when a penicillin zone measures in the intermediate or susceptible range indicates that the isolate should be checked for beta-lactamase production.
机译:对于97%的金黄色葡萄球菌和99%的表皮葡萄球菌菌株,金黄色葡萄球菌β-内酰胺酶的产生与青霉素G的最小抑菌浓度(MIC)大于0.05微克/毫升相关。但是,重要的是要注意,在MIC等于或小于0.05 micro / ml的分离株中,很大一部分(金黄色葡萄球菌为16%,表皮葡萄球菌为5%)是β-内酰胺酶的产生者。因此,不能仅凭低MIC来推测缺乏β-内酰胺酶的产生,这暗示着对青霉素的敏感性。通过观察青霉素抑制区边缘的出现,可以从磁盘扩散敏感性测试中轻松预测β-内酰胺酶的产生。对于100%的金黄色葡萄球菌和93%的表皮葡萄球菌菌株,清晰划界的边缘与β-内酰胺酶的产生相关。当青霉素区在中等或易感范围内时,这种类型的区边缘的存在表明应检查分离株的β-内酰胺酶产量。



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