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In vitro evaluation of novel polymer-coated magnetic nanoparticles for controlled drug delivery




Previously uncharacterized poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-acrylamide-allylamine)-coated magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) were synthesized using silane-coated MNPs as a template for radical polymerization of N-isopropylacrylamide, acrylamide, and allylamine. Properties of these nanoparticles such as size, biocompatibility, drug loading efficiency, and drug release kinetics were evaluated in vitro for targeted and controlled drug delivery. Spherical core-shell nanoparticles with a diameter of 100 nm showed significantly lower systemic toxicity than did bare MNPs, as well as doxorubicin encapsulation efficiency of 72%, and significantly higher doxorubicin release at 41°C compared with 37°C, demonstrating their temperature sensitivity. Released drugs were also active in destroying prostate cancer cells (JHU31). Furthermore, the nanoparticle uptake by JHU31 cells was dependent on dose and incubation time, reaching saturation at 500 μg/mL and 4 hours, respectively. In addition, magnetic resonance imaging capabilities of the particles were observed using agarose platforms containing cells incubated with nanoparticles. Future work includes investigation of targeting capability and effectiveness of these nanoparticles in vivo using animal models.



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