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The osmolyte TMAO stabilizes native RNA tertiary structures in the absence of Mg2+: evidence for a large barrier to folding from phosphate dehydration

机译:在没有Mg2 +的情况下稳定渗透肌肉TMAO稳定天然RNA三级结构:从磷酸盐脱水折叠的大屏障的证据



The stabilization of RNA tertiary structures by ions is well known, but the neutral osmolyte trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) can also effectively stabilize RNA tertiary structure. To begin to understand the physical basis for the effects of TMAO on RNA, we have quantitated the TMAO-induced stabilization of five RNAs with known structures. So-called m-values, the increment in unfolding free energy per molal of osmolyte at constant KCl activity, are ~0 for a hairpin secondary structure and between 0.70 and 1.85 kcal/mol/m for four RNA tertiary structures (30 – 86 nts). Further analysis of two RNAs by small angle X-ray scattering and hydroxyl radical probing shows that TMAO reduces the radius of gyration of the unfolded ensemble to the same endpoint as seen in titration with Mg2+, and that the structures stabilized by TMAO and Mg2+ are indistinguishable. Remarkably, TMAO induces the native conformation of a Mg2+ ion chelation site formed in part by a buried phosphate, even though Mg2+ is absent. TMAO interacts weakly, if at all, with KCl, ruling out the possibility that TMAO stabilizes RNA indirectly by increasing salt activity. TMAO is, however, strongly excluded from the vicinity of dimethylphosphate (unfavorable interaction free energy +211 cal/mol/m for the potassium salt), an ion that mimics the RNA backbone phosphate. We suggest that formation of RNA tertiary structure is accompanied by substantial phosphate dehydration (loss of 66 – 173 water molecules in the RNA structures studied), and that TMAO works principally by reducing the energetic penalty associated with this dehydration. The strong parallels we find between the effects of TMAO and Mg2+ suggest that RNA sequence is more important than specific ion interactions in specifying the native structure.



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