首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Digital Imaging >An Inductive Method for Automatic Generation of Referring Physician Prefetch Rules for PACS

An Inductive Method for Automatic Generation of Referring Physician Prefetch Rules for PACS




To prefetch images in a hospital-wide picture archiving and communication system (PACS), a rule must be devised to permit accurate selection of examinations in which a patient's images are stored. We developed an inductive method to compose prefetch rules from practical data which were obtained in a hospital using a decision tree algorithm. Our methods were evaluated on data acquired in Osaka University Hospital for one month. The data collected consisted of 58,617 cases of consultation reservations, 643,797 examination histories of patients, and 323,993 records of image requests in PACS. Four parameters indicating whether the images of the patient were requested or not for each consultation reservation were derived from the database. As a result, the successful selection sensitivity for consultations in which images were requested was approximately 0.8, and the specificity for excluding consultations accurately where images were not requested was approximately 0.7.



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