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Production of a Mouse Line with a Conditional Crim1 Mutant Allele




Crim1 is a developmentally expressed, transmembrane protein essential for normal embryonic development. We generated mice engineered to contain a Crim1 conditional null allele by flanking exons three and four of Crim1 with unidirectional LoxP sites. After crossing Crim1+/FLOX mice with a CMV-Cre line, a Crim1+/Δflox colony was established after germline transmission of the deleted allele. We then analyzed genomic DNA, mRNA transcripts, and protein expression from Crim1Δflox/Δflox null mice to confirm the nature of the genomic lesion. Crim1Δflox/Δflox mice displayed phenotypes similar to those previously described for a Crim1 gene-trap mutant, Crim1KST264/KST264, including perinatal lethality, digit syndactyly, eye, and kidney abnormalities, with varying penetrance and severity. The production of a conditional mutant allele represents a valuable resource for the study of the tissue-specific roles for Crim1, and for understanding the pleimorphic phenotypes associated with Crim1 mutation.
机译:CRIM1是发育表达的跨膜蛋白,对正常胚胎发育是必不可少的。通过使用单向LOXP位点,通过侧翼外显子三和四个CRIM1,生成设计的小鼠以含有CRIM1条件零等位基因。在用CMV-CRE线交叉CRIM1 + /氟化渣>小鼠后,在缺失的等位基因的种类透射后建立压接1 + /ΔFLOX菌落。然后,从CRIM1 ΔFLOX/ΔFLOX氟化杯分析基因组DNA,mRNA转录物和蛋白质表达,以确认基因组病变的性质。 CRIM1 Δflox/Δflox小鼠显示的表型类似于先前针对CRIB1基因 - 捕获突变体,CRIM1 KST264 / KST264 的那些表型,包括围产期杀伤性,数字综合征,眼睛和肾脏异常,渗透和严重程度不同。条件突变等位基因的制备代表了用于研究CRIM1的组织特异性作用的有价值的资源,并用于理解与CRIM1突变相关的抗开化表型。



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