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A European Melting Pot of Harbour Porpoise in the French Atlantic Coasts Inferred from Mitochondrial and Nuclear Data




Field surveys have reported a global shift in harbour porpoise distribution in European waters during the last 15 years, including a return to the Atlantic coasts of France. In this study, we analyzed genetic polymorphisms at a fragment of the mitochondrial control region (mtDNA CR) and 7 nuclear microsatellite loci, for 52 animals stranded and by-caught between 2000 and 2010 along the Atlantic coasts of France. The analysis of nuclear and mitochondrial loci provided contrasting results. The mtDNA revealed two genetically distinct groups, one closely related to the Iberian and African harbour porpoises, and the second related to individuals from the more northern waters of Europe. In contrast, nuclear polymorphisms did not display such a distinction. Nuclear markers suggested that harbour porpoises behaved as a randomly mating population along the Atlantic coasts of France. The difference between the two kinds of markers can be explained by differences in their mode of inheritance, the mtDNA being maternally inherited in contrast to nuclear loci that are bi-parentally inherited. Our results provide evidence that a major proportion of the animals we sampled are admixed individuals from the two genetically distinct populations previously identified along the Iberian coasts and in the North East Atlantic. The French Atlantic coasts are clearly the place where these two previously separated populations of harbour porpoises are now admixing. The present shifts in distribution of harbour porpoises along this coast is likely caused by habitat changes that will need to be further studied.
机译:现场调查显示,过去15年中,欧洲海域海豚的分布在全球范围内发生了变化,包括返回法国大西洋沿岸。在这项研究中,我们分析了2000年至2010年之间在法国大西洋沿岸搁浅和捕获的52条动物的线粒体控制区(mtDNA CR)和7个核微卫星基因座的遗传多态性。核和线粒体基因座的分析提供了相反的结果。 mtDNA揭示了两个遗传上不同的群体,一个与伊比利亚和非洲海豚密切相关,第二个与欧洲北部水域的个体相关。相反,核多态性没有表现出这种区别。核标记表明,海豚在法国大西洋沿岸是随机交配的种群。两种标记之间的差异可以通过其遗传方式的差异来解释,与双亲遗传的核基因座相比,mtDNA是母本遗传的。我们的结果提供了证据,表明我们采样的动物中有很大一部分是来自先前在伊比利亚沿海和东北大西洋地区确定的两个遗传上不同的种群的混合个体。显然,法国大西洋沿岸是这两个先前分离的海豚种群的聚集地。目前沿这条海岸港口海豚分布的变化可能是由于栖息地的变化引起的,需要进一步研究。



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