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The course of anxiety disorders other than PTSD in patients with borderline personality disorder and axis II comparison subjects: a 10-year follow-up study




The objectives of this study were to assess the rates of comorbid anxiety disorders other than PTSD in patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) and axis II comparison subjects over ten years of prospective follow-up and to determine time-to-remission, recurrence, and new onset of these disorders. The SCID I was administered to 290 borderline patients and 72 axis II comparison subjects at baseline and at five contiguous two-year follow-up waves. The rates of anxiety disorders for those in both groups declined significantly over time, although they remained significantly higher among borderline patients. By ten-year follow-up, the rates of remission for borderline patients who met criteria for these disorders at baseline were high, while the rates of recurrences and new onsets were moderate. These results suggest that anxiety disorders are very common over time among borderline patients. They also suggest that these disorders have an intermittent course among those with BPD.
机译:这项研究的目的是评估前瞻性随访十年来边缘性人格障碍(BPD)和II型轴比较受试者中PTSD以外的合并症焦虑症的发生率,并确定缓解时间,复发,以及这些疾病的新发作。在基线和五个连续两年的随访中,对290名边缘患者和72例II轴比较对象进行了SCID I的治疗。两组患者的焦虑症发生率均随时间显着下降,尽管在边缘患者中焦虑症发生率仍显着升高。通过十年的随访,在基线时符合这些疾病标准的边缘患者的缓解率很高,而复发率和新发病率中等。这些结果表明,随着时间的流逝,焦虑症在边缘患者中非常普遍。他们还表明,这些疾病在BPD患者中具有间歇性病程。



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