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Cleft Crevice or the Inner Thigh: ‘Another Place’ for the Establishment of the Invasive Barnacle Austrominius modestus (Darwin 1854)

机译:裂裂缝或大腿内侧:另一个地方为侵袭性巴纳克尔austrominius modestus的建立(达尔文1854)



The proliferation of anthropogenic infrastructure in the marine environment has aided the establishment and spread of invasive species. These structures can create novel habitats in areas normally characterised as void of suitable settlement sites. The habitat requirements of the invasive acorn barnacle Austrominius modestus (Darwin, 1854) were assessed using a novel sampling site at Crosby Beach, Liverpool. Austrominius modestus has spread rapidly around the UK since its initial introduction, becoming locally dominant in many estuarine areas including the Antony Gormley art installation, ‘Another Place’, at Crosby Beach. The installation consists of 100 replicate solid cast-iron life-size human figures, located at a range of heights on the shore. We recorded the distribution and abundance of A. modestus present on all of the statues at various positions during the summer of 2006. The positions varied in location, exposure, direction, and rugosity. Although parameters such as rugosity and exposure did influence patterns of recruitment, they were less important than interactions between shore height and direction, and specific location on the beach. The addition of a suitable substrate to a sheltered and estuarine region of Liverpool Bay has facilitated the establishment of A. modestus. Understanding the habitat requirements of invasive species is important if we are to make predictions about their spread and the likelihood of invasion success. Austrominius modestus has already become locally dominant in some regions of the UK and, with projections of favourable warming conditions and the global expansion of artificial structures, the continued spread of this species can be expected. The implications of this on the balance between native and invasive species dominance should be considered.
机译:人为基础设施在海洋环境中的扩散有助于入侵物种的建立和传播。这些结构可以在通常没有合适的定居点的地区创造新颖的栖息地。使用在利物浦的克罗斯比海滩的新型采样点评估了侵入性橡子藤壶Austrominius Modetus(Darwin,1854)的栖息地需求。自最初引入以来,澳大利亚古猿在英国各地迅速传播,并在包括克罗斯比海滩(Crosby Beach)的安东尼·戈姆利(Antony Gormley)艺术品装置“另一个地方”在内的许多河口地区成为当地主导。该装置包括100个仿制的实心铸铁实物大小的人形人物,位于海岸的一定高度上。我们记录了2006年夏季在各个位置上所有雕像上出现的A.modetus的分布和丰度。这些位置在位置,暴露,方向和皱纹方面都各不相同。尽管皱纹和暴露等参数确实影响了招募的方式,但它们的重要性不及岸高和方向以及海滩上特定位置之间的相互作用。在利物浦湾一个庇护和河口区域添加合适的基质,有助于建立模式拟南芥。如果我们要对入侵物种的栖息地需求和入侵成功的可能性做出预测,那么了解入侵物种的栖息地需求就很重要。 Austrominius modetus在英国的某些地区已经成为当地的主导者,并且随着有利的变暖条件和人工结构的全球扩张的预测,该物种将继续传播。应该考虑这对本地和入侵物种优势之间平衡的影响。



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