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Health Promotion via Deaf-Friendly Ministries




Deaf community members face many barriers to accessing health information. This paper discusses the feasibility of creating a nationwide network of Deaf-friendly ministries to help disseminate cancer information in American Sign Language (ASL) to the Deaf community. Deaf-friendly ministries (N=403), identified through Internet searches and one-on-one referrals, were sent up to three mailed invitations to join the network. Over half of the ministries responded, with 191 (47.4 %) of the ministries joining the network, completing a baseline survey and receiving ASL cancer education videos to share with members of their congregation and community. Fifteen (3.7 %) responded that they were not interested or no longer had a Deaf-friendly ministry; the rest did not respond or their invitations were returned as undeliverable. As the program progressed, an additional 238 Deaf-friendly ministries were identified. To date, 61 (25.6 %) agreed to participate after the single invitation that was mailed. This network of Deaf-friendly ministries offers a promising dissemination partner.
机译:聋人社区成员在获取健康信息方面面临许多障碍。本文讨论了在全国范围内建立聋人友好部委网络的可行性,以帮助将美国手语(ASL)中的癌症信息传播给聋人社区。通过互联网搜索和一对一推荐,确定了对聋人友好的政府部门(N = 403),最多发送了三封邮件邀请加入该网络。超过一半的政府部门做出了回应,有191个部门(47.4%)加入了网络,完成了基线调查并接收了ASL癌症教育视频,以便与会众和社区成员分享。十五(3.7%)的受访者表示他们不感兴趣或不再有聋人服务部;其余人没有回应,或者他们的邀请无法送达。随着计划的进展,确定了238个聋人友好部委。迄今为止,已有61位(25.6%)同意在发出单个邀请后参加。聋哑部委的这个网络提供了一个有希望的传播合作伙伴。



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