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Crosstalk between Adaptive and Innate Immune Cells leads to High Quality Immune Protection at the Mucosal Borders




Mucosal effector memory CD8 T cells are located at the epithelium and have a heightened and immediate effector function. By contrast, central memory T cells reside within lymphoid tissues and require proliferation and differentiation to become effector cells that migrate to epithelial surfaces. The accumulation of effector memory T cells at the pathogen entry site(s) is essential for protective immunity, but the mechanisms that drive the differentiation of memory cell subsets are poorly understood. We recently showed that CD8αα, induced selectively on the most highly activated primary CD8αβ T cells, together with its ligand, the thymic leukemia (TL) antigen, induced on mucosal antigen presenting cells and constitutively expressed on intestinal epithelial cells, serve as key components to mediate the selective accumulation of the fittest effector cells to form mucosal effector memory T cells. Therefore, the generation of mucosal effector memory is controlled by an innate-adaptive crosstalk that provides for host defense at the body’s largest interface.
机译:粘膜效应记忆CD8 T细胞位于上皮,具有增强的即时效应功能。相比之下,中央记忆T细胞位于淋巴组织内,需要增殖和分化才能成为迁移到上皮表面的效应细胞。效应记忆T细胞在病原体进入部位的积累对于保护性免疫至关重要,但对记忆细胞亚群分化的机制了解甚少。我们最近发现,在活化程度最高的原代CD8αβT细胞上选择性诱导的CD8αα及其配体,在黏膜抗原呈递细胞上诱导并在肠上皮细胞上组成性表达的胸腺白血病(TL)抗原,是介导最适的效应细胞的选择性积累,形成粘膜效应记忆T细胞。因此,粘膜效应记忆的产生是由先天自适应的串扰控制的,该串扰可在人体最大的界面提供宿主防御。



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