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Modeling Dengue Vector Dynamics under Imperfect Detection: Three Years of Site-Occupancy by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in Urban Amazonia




Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus are the vectors of dengue, the most important arboviral disease of humans. To date, Aedes ecology studies have assumed that the vectors are truly absent from sites where they are not detected; since no perfect detection method exists, this assumption is questionable. Imperfect detection may bias estimates of key vector surveillance/control parameters, including site-occupancy (infestation) rates and control intervention effects. We used a modeling approach that explicitly accounts for imperfect detection and a 38-month, 55-site detectionon-detection dataset to quantify the effects of municipality/state control interventions on Aedes site-occupancy dynamics, considering meteorological and dwelling-level covariates. Ae. aegypti site-occupancy estimates (mean 0.91; range 0.79–0.97) were much higher than reported by routine surveillance based on ‘rapid larval surveys’ (0.03; 0.02–0.11) and moderately higher than directly ascertained with oviposition traps (0.68; 0.50–0.91). Regular control campaigns based on breeding-site elimination had no measurable effects on the probabilities of dwelling infestation by dengue vectors. Site-occupancy fluctuated seasonally, mainly due to the negative effects of high maximum (Ae. aegypti) and minimum (Ae. albopictus) summer temperatures (June-September). Rainfall and dwelling-level covariates were poor predictors of occupancy. The marked contrast between our estimates of adult vector presence and the results from ‘rapid larval surveys’ suggests, together with the lack of effect of local control campaigns on infestation, that many Aedes breeding sites were overlooked by vector control agents in our study setting. Better sampling strategies are urgently needed, particularly for the reliable assessment of infestation rates in the context of control program management. The approach we present here, combining oviposition traps and site-occupancy models, could greatly contribute to that crucial aim.
机译:伊蚊和埃及伊蚊。白纹病是登革热的载体,登革热是人类最重要的虫媒病毒疾病。迄今为止,伊蚊的生态学研究已经假设在没有发现它们的地方确实缺少这些载体。由于不存在完美的检测方法,因此该假设值得怀疑。不完善的检测可能会使关键的媒介监视/控制参数(包括站点占用率)和控制干预效果的估计值产生偏差。考虑到气象和居住水平的协变量,我们使用了一种建模方法,该方法明确地说明了不完善的检测和一个38个月,有55个站点的检测/未检测数据集,以量化市政/州控制干预措施对伊蚊种群占用动态的影响。 。 e埃及人的现场占有率估计值(平均0.91;范围0.79-0.97)远高于基于“快速幼虫调查”的常规监测报告(0.03; 0.02-0.11),略高于直接由产卵陷阱确定的占位率(0.68; 0.50- 0.91)。以繁殖地消除为基础的常规控制活动对登革热媒介对居民侵扰的可能性没有可测量的影响。站点占用率随季节而波动,主要是由于夏季最高温度(埃及伊蚊)和最低温度(白纹伊蚊)的不利影响(6月至9月)。降雨和居住水平的协变量不能很好地预测入住率。我们对成年媒介物存在的估计与“快速幼虫调查”结果之间的明显对比表明,在我们的研究环境中,媒介控制媒介忽视了许多伊蚊的繁殖地点,而当地控制运动对这种行为没有影响。迫切需要更好的采样策略,尤其是为了在控制程序管理的情况下可靠地评估感染率。我们在此介绍的方法结合了产卵陷阱和场所占用模型,可以极大地促进这一关键目标。



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