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Bioarchaeological Insights into the Process of Domestication of Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) during Roman Times in Southern France

机译:法国南部罗马时期葡萄(Vitis vinifera L.)驯化过程的生物考古学见解



Grapevine (Vitis vinifera), one of the most important fruit species in the Classical Mediterranean world, is thought to have been domesticated first in South-Western Asia, during the Neolithic. However, the domestication process remains largely unknown. Crucial unanswered questions concern the duration of the process (rapid or slow?) and the related geographical area (single or multiple-origins?). Seeds from domesticated grapevine and from its wild ancestor are reported to differ according to shape. Our work aims, first, to confirm this difference and secondly to identify the extent of domestication in the grapes cultivated by Romans in Southern France during the period 50 BCE–500 CE. We had the opportunity to analyze uncharred waterlogged grape pips from 17 archaeological sites. Based on an extended reference sample of modern wild grapevines and cultivars our work shows that both subspecies can be discriminated using simple measurements. The elongation gradient of the pip’s body and stalk may be regarded as an indicator of the strength of the selection pressures undergone by domesticated grapes. Grapevines cultivated during the Roman period included a mix of morphotypes comprising wild, intermediate and moderately selected domesticated forms. Our data point to a relative shift towards more selected types during the Roman period. Domestication of the grapevine appears to have been a slow process. This could result from the recurrent incorporation into cultivation of plants originating from sexual reproduction, when grape cultivation essentially relies on vegetative propagation.
机译:葡萄(Vitis vinifera)是古典地中海世界中最重要的水果种类之一,据认为是新石器时代最早在西南亚驯化的。但是,驯化过程在很大程度上仍然未知。至关重要的悬而未决的问题涉及过程的持续时间(快速还是缓慢?)以及相关的地理区域(单个或多个来源?)。据报道,驯养的葡萄树及其野生祖先的种子根据形状而不同。我们的工作首先是要确认这种差异,其次是要确定罗马人在公元前50年至公元500年之间在法国南部种植的葡萄的驯化程度。我们有机会分析了来自17个考古现场的未烧焦的葡萄皮点。基于现代野生葡萄和品种的扩展参考样本,我们的工作表明,可以使用简单的测量方法来区分两个亚种。点子的身体和茎的伸长梯度可能被视为驯化葡萄所承受的选择压力强度的指标。罗马时期种植的葡萄包括多种形态型,包括野生型,中间型和中度选择的驯化形式。我们的数据表明,在罗马时期,相对倾向于更多选择的类型。葡萄的驯化似乎是一个缓慢的过程。这可能是由于葡萄的种植主要依靠无性繁殖而将有性繁殖的植物反复并入植物中的结果。



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