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Lower Anxiogenic Effects of Serotonin Agonists are Associated with Lower Activation of Amygdala and Lateral Orbital Cortex in Adolescent Male Rats




There has been controversy over use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) to treat affective disorders in children and adolescents due to clinical reports of increased risk for suicidal ideation and behavior during treatment, and animal studies showing changes in adult anxiety- and depressive-like behaviors after repeated treatment during adolescence. However, the acute effect of serotonergic drugs on affective behavior during adolescence is poorly understood. We investigated serotonergic modulation of anxiety-like behavior in adolescent (PN28-32) and adult (PN 67-73) male rats using the SSRI fluoxetine, the 5-HT1A agonist 8-OH DPAT, and the 5-HT2 agonist mCPP. Acute treatment with fluoxetine (10 mg/kg, i.p.) produced greater anxiogenic effects in adults than adolescents in the light/dark (LD) test for anxiety-like behavior, but fluoxetine (2.5, 5, and 10 mg/kg, i.p.) increased extracellular serotonin in the medial prefrontal cortex similarly in both ages. Adults were also more sensitive to the anxiogenic effects of 8-OH DPAT (0.25 and 0.5 mg/kg, i.p.), but not mCPP (0.5 and 1 mg/kg, i.p.), in the LD test. Fluoxetine (10 mg/kg) stimulated greater increases in c-Fos expression across the extended amygdala in adults than in adolescents, and 8-OH DPAT (0.5 mg/kg) produced greater increases in c-Fos in the lateral orbital cortex and central nucleus of the amygdala in adults. These data show that lower anxiogenic effects of acute SSRIs in adolescents are associated with lesser activation of cortical and amygdala brain regions. This immaturity could contribute to the different profile of behavioral effects observed in adolescents and adults treated with SSRIs.
机译:关于选择性5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂(SSRIs)用于治疗儿童和青少年情感障碍的争论一直存在,这是由于临床报告表明在治疗过程中自杀意念和行为的风险增加,并且动物研究显示,成人焦虑症和抑郁症样变化青春期反复治疗后的行为。然而,对血清素能药物对青春期情感行为的急性作用了解甚少。我们调查了SSRI氟西汀,5-HT1A激动剂8-OH DPAT和5-HT2激动剂mCPP在青春期(PN28-32)和成年(PN 67-73)雄性大鼠中对焦虑样行为的血清素调节。在类似焦虑症的明/暗(LD)测试中,氟西汀(10 mg / kg,ip)的急性治疗对成年人产生的焦虑作用比青少年大,但是氟西汀(2.5、5和10 mg / kg,ip)在两个年龄段,前额内侧皮层中的细胞外血清素均增加。在LD试验中,成年人对8-OH DPAT(0.25和0.5 mg / kg,腹腔注射)的致焦虑作用更敏感,而对mCPP(0.5和1 mg / kg,腹膜内注射)则不敏感。氟西汀(10 mg / kg)刺激成年人的杏仁核延伸c-Fos表达的增加大于青少年,而8-OH DPAT(0.5 mg / kg)在外侧眶皮质和中央的c-Fos刺激的增加更大成人杏仁核。这些数据表明,青少年急性SSRI的较低的抗焦虑作用与皮层和杏仁核大脑区域的活化程度较低有关。这种不成熟可能导致在接受SSRI治疗的青少年和成人中观察到的行为影响的不同情况。



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